
We recently bought a queenslander in need of renovating... However it is on a large lean so the first thing we need to do is restump it. However we have had a lot people tell us that we should raise it as most of the stumps need to be replaced anyway.

It is a 150 sqm property 1.7 metres off the ground. As it is already large and more an investment I cant see the point of building under. I guess the only reasons would be to increase the height unerneath (so that we could walk under without hitting our heads) and perhaps to add value to the property when we sell it if someone else is interested in building under....

Does anyone have an opioion of what the best option is and whether it would be worth the extra cost? We need to rebuild the front stairs anyway but am assuming restumping does not require draftsman, replumbing/rewiring etc (which would add another 10K on it?)



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