
I have a brick veneer built in the 50’s with pitched traditional terracotta roof.
One room has a beam protruding from above, and there is a 1m wall that ‘divides’ this room into two rooms.
I want to remove the beam, and the dividing wall to create one room which will be 4.2m x 6.8m.
This is a major renovation, plaster is down, I think it’s a good time to do it.
I have attached 3 pics:
1) Plan of the roof showing underperlins and struts.
2) Plan of existing beams – strutting and hanging.
3) Plan of what I am thinking of doing.

SO, can I get away with doing something like this? I wouldn’t have to use any metal beams, would I?
Yes, engineer is a good idea, and probably I will talk to one, but at this stage I want to understand if carpenters would do this in such a way or some other way?
How do people open up spaces like this with a traditional roof, ie not with trusses??


Attached Thumbnails

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