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Thread: I hate sanding between coats
16th October 2009, 03:00 AM #1
I hate sanding between coats
Ever start a job and wonder why you ever started it? That's where I am at.
A while I ago I decided to repaint a bedroom furniture set. Good furniture but has suffered 25 years of abuse. So am getting each piece sanding it and painting it in an oil based gloss enamel.
Initial sanding and painting is no sweat. It's the sanding between coats that takes me ages. Too many fiddly bits to sand around. I also need at least 3 coats due to the furniture being a dark colour beforehand and now its going white.
Is there a way to shortcut the sanding between coats? Of course this step is essential to give the next coats something to "bite" into and so I need to sand the gloss off before applying another coat. I'm just wondering if there is a brush on solution (or something) that removes the gloss cover and gives the next coat something to bite into. I'm SICK of sanding.
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