Hi Guys

not quite another irritating how do i clean my deck thread, but almost

I have a Jarrah deck that i guess i oiled too quickly after laying it! All timber was seconds deck boards so i sifted through and got all the decent stuff and thicknessed it down to get rid of the imprefections (neighbours loved 600m of that!) so the face was nice and fresh.

I used Cellavit deck oil and did as directed, kept applying until it wouldnt absorb any more. came up nice and shiny and looked great.

Over the winter however with the lovely rainy weather we have had the deck has taken a battering and all the coating has 'washed' off the deck has gone very very grey. In preparation for a new oil coat or 2 i used cabots deck wash. i tested on one end and after reading the 'brightens weathered timber' bit was expecing to see a nice red colour back. Nope, the timber has now turned almost white! It was washed off thoroughly using a hose (didnt want to hit it with power washer yet)

Is this normal? will it get red again when i hit it with the cellavit (gonna give it one more try before i move onto another product!) or do i need to use something better to clean it?



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