I want to put up a couple of folding arm awnings on our house and I've been struggling with how to mount them.

I got a detail for a bracket which I can modify to use and showed it to one of the structural lads at work. The bloke I showed it to told me that it was wholly inadequate and how do folks get away with it sort of stuff. Then I found out that he was looking at the fully extended awning surviving a 50 yr storm according to the code. Which it wouldn't.

I've looked at loads of websites and there doesn't appear to be any reference to a code wind loading nor does there appear to be any requirement for planning or building approval.

I contacted a local Engineer who seemed to think that there was no need for planning and hence no code requirement but didn't know for sure.

Anyone know what the design requirements are ?

If I keep going at this rate I'll never get them up.

We're in central Brisbane BTW.

All advice gratefully recieved.



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