Hi all,

1st post, been browsing and seems like there is a heap of good advice on here and hoping some can be passed my way.

I have a split level lounge (slab) approx 30 sqm and I want to lay 170mm recycled messmate. This will sort of be a feature floor that I want to stain. I know a lot are against staining, but I have seen the perfect mix of stain that will work with the look I am going for.

Anyway, my question relates to the laying of this floor. A mate and I will be laying it. Simple square room 6m X 5m.

After reading up on these wider boards, I'm still not sure what the best method will be.

Do we trowel the glue on ply (what size ply?) Is it ok to secret nail?

Should I lay on battens instead?

Just after the right way to do it.

Also Dusty, do you ever do work in the Western Suburbs. I was given your name on another property forum.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...