I just finished putting a second coat of oil based "Dulux Super Enamel" on some furniture I am re-painting. I am inexperienced in using oil based paints and ran into an issue.

The first coat went on OK. However, after about 10 minutes of applying the second coat, the finish started "cracking" in places rather badly. Almost looks like the second coat has "melted" the first. See attached image.

Now I assume the problem is that first coat wasn't properly dry yet. Recoat time is started to be 16 hours. I waited 28 hours. However, as I am painting in the workshop, it may have been cold last night and delayed the drying process. Perhaps next time I should wait 2 days.

Is this what has happened or is it something else?

I assume I will be re-sanding and re-painting. I don't wan't to stuff it up a second time.


Attached Thumbnails

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