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1st September 2009, 03:30 PM #1
Acrow Props + Knocking out a structural wall
I'm knocking out a structural wall under my house and wondering about the placement of acrow props. (I will be getting a restumping company in to install stumps in place of the wall however they suggested I remove the wall myself and save some money).
In the attached image the red dots/lines indicate where the new stumps will go. I know the image looks a bit wonky but that is because I merged 2 photos together.
The blue dots indicate where I plan on using the Acrow Props. The blue cross is where I plan on putting an Acrow prop once I have removed that section of the wall (if I can physically put the prop there as I may not be able to get a level base for it).
My questions are:
1) Are the positions I suggested for the props correct or overkill?
2) How do I use the props (I know they extend and lock in place but I mean should I be putting a solid piece of timber under them to disperse the weight? Should they be secured to the beams I am supporting somehow?)
3) Do you have any other advice for me?
Attached Thumbnails
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