Thanks for any advice.. What do you think is the problem? 1860s weatherboard cottage has been restumped recently by previous owners(2003) - but the floors are way out of level dropping away significantly at the edge of the house. The stumps seem professional - redgum with ant caps, new twinned bearers. There's lots of dodgey work on the house - which I'm slowly getting back into shape. I guess I want to know if they were taking shortcuts with restumping - is it a common thing to not relevel the floors to avoid plaster cracking? If the stumps are fine (no rot- new wood) is it likely that it's just the levels? And is that the normal process for restumping - lift house, put stumps in, let house down then relevel floor (pack joists)?

Thanks for any advice, and I get such great info from this forum and think you're all great..


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