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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default whinging, whining, or is it just human nature

    Why does it seem, to me anyway, that there are so many whinging, whining people on these forums.
    perhaps I am cynnical and have a chip on my shoulder for even suggesting this, but it would seem to me a lot of people come on here and bad mouth retailers and their products, sometimes with good reason I would agree but still. Yes you want to warn everybody of the evil retailer peddling his wares upon the innocent and un suspecting world, but if everything they sold was crap and everything was returned for warranty claims and replaced and everybody who worked for them was stupid and their service 3rd world standard and they had such a bad reputation would they still be in business, HELL NO

    Is this place supposed to be a helpful forum for those who want tips on how to make/do/attempt things or showcase what they have done.
    too many times do i open a thread and there it is, badmouthing someone or something for trivial reasons without much research into the background of the situation. It is possible for a manufacturer to have a bad batch of something, I know for fact that colchester had a bad batch of lathes many years ago with a bed that was higher in the middle than it was at either end, colchester, yes, the guru of lathes had an issue.

    Yes i expect some backlash from this thread and yes you who beat me down for even writing what I have, you are those whom i refer to.
    this part of the forum is supposed to be have your say, which I am doin right now, but I would almost put money on it that some self gratifying person will beat me down over what I have said, ask me to quote examples etc etc etc.
    even i suspect pick me up on any typo or grammer error.

    cmon everybody, expel your wrath upon me for speaking in such a manner, but I would like to search these forums for useful information not rubbish.
    when i read things such as "lets all boycott that store we will show them who has the power" i think, let go of yourself for long enough to realise you are full of the stuff bulls deposit regularly.
    when i read personal attacks from one member to another i think, why, why make such an impersonal thing as the internet a personal attack on ones character and point of view.

    anyway, enough ranting from me.

    what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    You are right about the personal attacks - total waste of effort and not worth the angst.

    As for the badmouthing of stores/retailers - I have seen some people cop an absolute pasting on this forum for trying that on. It does happen to some degree, and you can argue that those with a gripe tend to outnumber the rest, but I think this place is one of the most objective sites around. You will note that quite often people post about good experiences too. Not a bad balance really.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    you are right, there is a fair proportion of goodness here, but if all bad that i speak of could be erradicated it would be much better in my opinion anayway

  4. #4


    A fair bit of the criticism is warranted as there are so many dodgy dealers out there, and that includes the big players. It can go overboard at times but that’s just like life. Everyone has a different opinion and likes to put it across wether its right or wrong. 90% of posts and members are great (excluding pen turners) and the other 10% you just ignore. The last thing we want is a touchy feel good sanitised forum, they are so dull. Look at the threads on this forum that have passion, arguing etc, they are the most viewed and exciting. Nothing much has happened here in the last 3 weeks and it’s been a yawn fest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Barboursville, Virginia USA


    Quote Originally Posted by brisbanefitter View Post
    Why does it seem, to me anyway, that there are so many whinging, whining people on these forums.what do you think?
    Sigh. I think whingeing about the whingeing is whingeing.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Beachport, South Oz, the best little town on the planet.


    A whinge from a whinging whining whinger is a pain in the bum and I vote he gets a group whinge from all whingers now present....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Gold Coast


    I don't think that the forum is full of whingers, but I do agree that there is the occasionally tendency to "play the man rather than the ball". I think that you have to make allowances for the fact that some people are using it as an outlet to vent their frustration. They're steamed up because they feel slighted or ripped off, or that they were unfairly treated by a traffic policeman ().

    I've always thought that when someone criticises a particular company, Hare and Forbes for instance, that someone should contact the company to allow them a right of reply. That way members not involved in the "dispute" can make an informed and balanced judgement.

    By the way, Brisbanefitter, I note that there are a large number of spelling and typing errors in your post.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    ok, you got me, i am just as bad as those i speak about, whinging about the whingers is definitely a whinger.

    but, i do like the sketch on the link in master splinters post.

    oh, and the spelling mistakes, must be my dyslexic fingers again

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    planet earth - I think?


    Quote Originally Posted by brisbanefitter View Post
    but if everything they sold was crap and everything was returned for warranty claims and replaced and everybody who worked for them was stupid and their service 3rd world standard and they had such a bad reputation would they still be in business, HELL NO
    Yes they would cause the service and everything associated with it in this country is crap pretty much everywhere, that's why companies like Lee Valley stand out here even though they don't even have an outlet here. In Canada or the US their type of service is above average but not uncommon. Here it's the opposite, good service, fair prices... are rare to non-existant. So unless you are prepared to mail order (I'd be mail ordering my groceries and petrol if I could figure out how to pull it off along with everything else...) you're stuck with lousy attitudes, ridiculously high prices... it's your choice.

  10. #10
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    planet earth - I think?


    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    Look at the threads on this forum that have passion, arguing etc, they are the most viewed and exciting. Nothing much has happened here in the last 3 weeks and it’s been a yawn fest.
    That's cause all the rubber neckers just want to watch a fight... Most of the time they egg it on and then run away - shyte disturbers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Cranbourne West


    Quote Originally Posted by brisbanefitter View Post
    ok, you got me, i am just as bad as those i speak about, whinging about the whingers is definitely a whinger.

    but, i do like the sketch on the link in master splinters post.

    oh, and the spelling mistakes, must be my dyslexic fingers again
    It must have been good, coz it looks like the mods have deleted it .
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy John View Post
    It must have been good, coz it looks like the mods have deleted it .
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    there are many subjects other than woodwork that come up on these forums we are all free to make our choice on what we read and what we dont read --- isn't it great to know that we have such freedom of choice, how often do we buy into things that are only remotely interesting to us, and find as we get into the subject that there is a wealth of information to be gleaned from people that we don't know, and never really thought about before.

    let us continue to agree or disagree as we will, in the knowledge that we can do so without fear of more serious reprimand, than a jocular and often entertaining discussion with our peers, and let us be thankful that we are in a society that is not bound by such constraints as are found throughout the world in these days of financial and political disorder. when it's all boiled down, I don't think i'm a robinson crusoe in this forum when I say "I wouldn't be dead for quids".
    have a nice life everybody, and saw carefully,

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