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Thread: New job. Yay! Guitar making.
8th August 2009, 12:09 PM #1
New job. Yay! Guitar making.
Well I have been on the statistical scrapheap since November when my previous employer, a kitchen manufacturer, put me off and put off two others.
http://www.coleclarkguitars.com/ is my new place of employment. YaY!
*I just walked in and asked " So now here I am!
Gee it's nice to have somewhere to go everyday. Bit depressing otherwise.
Wages are less than last job. Oh Well! Longer lunch brk. Yay! ha he
Ofcourse I have some idea about making stringed instruments but boy! Wow! How precise is this manufacturer! A lot to learn.
3 huge CnC's that do the most amazing, precise work. I love it!And many other great machines. All fairly new too. Woo Hoo.
Anyway I'm on a fairly new sanding machine for starters. That's great. Where else am I going to start? Frm the bottom ofcourse. I do expect to get to work in other departments.....eventually. But lets see if I can show them that I can do the basics 1st. Who knows, I may not be suitable in the short term.
I may get the flick. So concentration is the key
There's a wood stock, machining dept, then a panel gluing dept, then CnC's to cut outs and inside trenches, necks, inlay material ( you gotta see how tiny the little inlay sticks are when the CnC makes then on a peice of Indian Rose)
1.8mm by o.6mm w.Indian Rosewood. I think? Really blk dark stuff. Purpley too! I sooo love this stuff!
All still joined tog and then rolled in your hand to brk them loose to fit in channel to suit around guitar face. Wow!
Each unit, once coming into basic shape is then handed to one of six staff who then will spend a few hrs hand carving, sanding, fitting machine heads and parts and then more sanding and carving. I have seen it.
Then guitar goes to a seperate room and is fitted with other precise electronic peices and tested. They have a good size, quiet room lucky devils ha he.
Bunya? Spelling? Anyway it's a prime stock for these guitars and Qld Maple.
Indian rosewood for frettboards and bridges and something else. Blackwood from Tassie too. I've never experience these black timbers. Indian Rosewood I mean.
Wow!. It's all purple and blk and soo beautiful.
The link above will tell all.
So far I've kept my mouth shut. No time here for workplace harassment.
Boy....do I know about that!
Everyone is sooo focussed and it really looks like no one wants to stop ,...and need to get away back to their work.. So it should be too.
They all hot foot it to get bk to their areas. Great. Me too!
I'm keen to get it right. The quality of my work I mean. I do want to move up to other areas and hopefully I'm allowed in time!
Foreman is great! Easy going but very foccused and precise.
He said we are timber eningeers. I agree!
Thought I'd log on. Been a while in here for me.
Congrats to Stephen P on having a new grandchild. Woo Hoo.
Yay! Now I can at least go to Portland and fish for a long weekend. I'll have some moolah! ha he. 5 hrs drive though! Frm Melbourne.
Be well. I'm getting there too.
Cheers. Toe Knee.Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!
Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.
Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.
8th August 2009, 02:59 PM #2
That does sound like heaven. Its great working with people who want to be at work.
(Do they need anyone else you reckon?
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.