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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yinnar, Victoria, Australia
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    Default Trial software warning

    Recently I downloaded a program that was supposed to calculate the material required to make a raised panel door.

    It was a time limited release program which did some of what it claimed.

    Problems arose AFTER the trial period expired, everytime I removed the program and directory from the computer (no un-install program provided so manual uninstall was called for) it would appear again the next time the computer was re-started.

    After doing a search of the computer I found several files related to this program "hidden" in unrelated directories . Still the program re-appeared.

    The next step was to do a registery search (dont try this at home kiddies!), again this revealed several instances of the program, some of which could be deleted :mad: . which led to another problem, I now have several registery keys referencing a no longer valid program.

    Now everytime the computer is started, I get the message "windows is trying to configure...." :mad:

    I am now very hesitant to even try anymore "free trial " programs
    I try and do new things twice.. the first time to see if I can do it.. the second time to see if I like it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
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    Sounds like you also need to run Ad Aware & Spybot S&D as well. Extreeeemly sloppy programming if its not outright malicious. Another useful tool is 'Hijack this' which looks for potential mal-ware re-directions. I'm guessing that it used some proprietary install agent so it bypassed the Windows clobbering files - do you have Norton's Cleansweep? - It may help in cases like this, or may make things worse.

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