View Poll Results: how old are we
- Voters
- 102. You may not vote on this poll
teen - 20
1 0.98% -
21 - 30
11 10.78% -
31 - 40
26 25.49% -
41 - 50
28 27.45% -
51 -60
26 25.49% -
61 - 70
10 9.80% -
71 - over the hill and far away
0 0%
Thread: Hmmm what ages
14th February 2004, 08:56 PM #1
Hmmm what ages
Id like to get an idea of the age groups [phyiscally- not mentally]
we have that look at these forums
15th February 2004, 11:21 AM #2
87 views and only 21 votes ?????? Either there are a lot of lurkers out there or a big group who don't know how old they are !
15th February 2004, 12:18 PM #3
Well I have viewed this thread at least 10 times so far...so this factor has to be taken into account.
15th February 2004, 02:12 PM #4
Shane I may be putting myself on the line here but is there something you dont understand
ie your age
where to put your vote [HONESTLY]
15th February 2004, 02:38 PM #5
Haha...no mate, I knew where to put my vote no worries there!
Made me feel young again too....(people who know me may question why I felt old to start with!! hahah..)
But honestly, being a moderator theres not many threads that I don't visit many times just to keep an eye on things. But this thread has me interested as I am sure theres otheres as well that will return to this one frequently which will bump up the 'view' rating compared to the 'vote' rating, cause ya can only vote once. Unless ya know what ya doing.
15th February 2004, 02:38 PM #6
I may be in the 41-50 age group, but just lately I have found the old adage "Your only as old as the woman you feel" to be soooo true it hurts..
KevI try and do new things twice.. the first time to see if I can do it.. the second time to see if I like it
15th February 2004, 10:43 PM #7
Same as Shane only probably more so.
18th February 2004, 11:17 PM #8
I am surprised that we have not got any of the 71 - Prime of their Life votes. I prefer my version to the one used on the poll. Seems that we are missing out on the wisdom of a lot of specialist woodworkers. Unfortunately a number of their trades have been superceded by new materials and technologies but their skills and knowledge would be a great asset to this forum.
If you are out there come forth and be counted.Cheers,
18th February 2004, 11:19 PM #9
Geez Rod ya don't have to be old to be good..
19th February 2004, 11:24 AM #10
I think a lot of teenagers would agree with you. FIGJAM mentality
19th February 2004, 01:34 PM #11
To be fair, this poll is not really "what are the age groups into which woodworkers fall" but something more like "what are the age groups into which woodworkers with access to the internet fall". With all due respect to anyone reading this who is 71+, you are probably a rarity.
Initially, I was surprised that there was such an even spread across the 30 to 60 band but then I realised that this is not really surprising given the demographics of internet users. Because internet users are more likely to be males in the 30 to 40 age group, you have an over-representative sample of woodworkers in the group. On the other hand, 50 to 60 is under-represented for the same reason. Teens are more likely to be in chat rooms or playing games.
I'll bet if you asked the same question in a woodworking mag, you'd get very different results.
To return to your original point though, it's great that there is such a wide range of ages represented here but a shame that some of the older ones aren't around. I certainly value the experience of the older guys that are here."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
19th February 2004, 06:43 PM #12
Dammit, Darren, I am very much on the wrong side of the Bell curve, in fact pretty close to "over the hill and far away". I think you are wrong about us old farts. Quite a few of us do have access to the internet. In fact I was probably on the internet before you were. I met my wife on the Internet nearly ten years ago
19th February 2004, 09:33 PM #13
Well I'm in the FIGJAM age group, so if you have any more questions about anything at all, send 'em my way.
Be quick though, you'll want to send me those questions while I still know everything.
I'm done now.
Well???? I'm waiting......haven't got all day you know.
Impatient to.
19th February 2004, 11:08 PM #14
Ah the enthuisiam of youth. Let me tell you about the tale of the old bull and the young bull
Going by your status bull is an appropriate analogyCheers,
20th February 2004, 08:06 AM #15
Rocker, I said "a rarity", not an impossibility!
I think I can beat your ten years but not by much"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."