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Thread: G,day folks
29th September 2008, 08:20 PM #1
G,day folks
well i have joined your forum so i should introduce myself with a quick run down.
first up hairymick if you read this no i aint following you it just seems that each forum i want to join you are already a member.
i am in texas queensland , i am trying to be a farmer and a retail shop owner at the moment , i have always dabbled in woodwork of some sort or another , built my own lathe years ago when in brisbane and did a course to learn how to use it with a guy in strathpine joe elkenhams ( spelling ) . the lathe has not turned for a lot of years but will soon cos i am getting the urge .
was a floor coverings guy in brissy cork tiles and parquetry mainly for 13 years .
done a bit of furniture restoring and french polishing as a hobby , photography , oil painting ,custom fishing rod building ,like to cook,been growing pumpkins for the last 5or 6 years as part of my living and i work part time on a irrigation farm lucerne , grain ,cattle, the wife looks after the shop mainly and i just help out there ,i cant list every thing i have had a go at ,not saying was any good at anything just had a go maybe its the new challenge or the learning that i like .
we live out of town on 90 acres of scrub (well we dont realy we just sleep there seems like) we work a lot of hours and are going backwards , cant work that out but i rekon if we work a bit harder we should be broke by next year .
oh yeah joined mainly cos i been poking around in here reading but could see the pics and thats annoying ..
that'l do i tend to ramble on some time's
29th September 2008, 09:49 PM #2
Wellcome to this great site. Like a lot of us in small business, if we try harder we will just go broke quicker.
At least, this interest is a diversion from our daily grind.
29th September 2008, 09:50 PM #3
Yo Texx - welcome aboard ! - yeah the pics really make this site and you can learn a lot more from a couple a pics than a few thousand words - make sure you post some pics too!
30th September 2008, 07:58 AM #4
30th September 2008, 04:51 PM #5
hello and welcome texx
30th September 2008, 06:38 PM #6
Hi Texx, welcome to this forum. Well you have a busy life as I read.
Many of us are busy with the jobs they have, my working life ended 7 years ago, so I'm on the other side of that line, and noticed that 24 hours are not enough for me
Parquetry work, do you know that you can make of the leftover pieces wonderful segmented work.
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