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29th November 2007, 04:54 PM #1
Unions, loathe em, love em or balance
this is for all of you with an axe to grind or a thank you.
Lets lay some myths to rest.
Give credit where i'ts due.
ideas to pull in too much power on either side
lets have genuine thoughts rather than biased rants ( and I mean me too)
29th November 2007, 05:10 PM #2
Why did you do this Astrid - glutton for rants?
29th November 2007, 05:19 PM #3
I had my first encounter with the unions back in 1973 when I first arrived in this fine country, I was 18.
I was threatened by a big bully boy union rep that if I did not join, I couldnt work, I had no choice but to join.
Later on in life I was in Ballarat, same scenario, no ticket, no job.
I used to loath paying the union fees to some big fat obviously under worked bully boy, I lost countless days due to strikes, which I never did recoup with all the "new" benefits that they had us strike for.
The last straw for me was a union meeting that was held at trades hall for all the brickies.
About 10 of us turned up.
The big bully boy was retiring and he wanted the union to hand him the keys to the company car, " for all his hard work" but it needed a vote.
All the other areas had voted "no", as we did.
Well, this bloke was furious, telling us what a pack of ( insert words of choice here) we all were after all his years of hard work, etc, etc..
29th November 2007, 05:24 PM #4
thats a little unfair,
just thought that the election thread was getting a bit too union focused and this would leave room for those who dont want to talk about Unions.
quite frankly i.ts a subject that stirs too many biased passions one way or the other and nothing sensible is often said. And I include me in this.
I did suggest that the others start this thread.
Astrid (we dont have an icon for a little hurt)
29th November 2007, 05:30 PM #5
Good on you Brickie,
this is what Unions are for, too represent the members
if some weight challanged (Heh Heh) bully is trying to dominate his members or his or her( Heh Heh) workers then a group can stand up to them when an individual can't
29th November 2007, 05:32 PM #6
29th November 2007, 05:35 PM #7
so what was your point? to beat the union bully with solidarity? well good on you you did it
29th November 2007, 05:37 PM #8
Of all the strikes we had not once did we actually get what we wanted .
Always came back with a very small comprimise , having a family to feed and a mortgage at 18% you could not afford to have too much time of and the increase you got never covered what you lost in down time.
After talking to managment this is what we have agreed to and we strongly think you should agree. Poppyc.....ck
Not a big fan of union reps.Jim Carroll
One Good Turn Deserves Another. CWS, Vicmarc, Robert Sorby, Woodcut, Tormek, Woodfast
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29th November 2007, 05:43 PM #9
They have their place but times have changed we now have many government departments which handle the same things individual or collective.
Went on strike when an apprentice for 3 days for 15 min wash up time and $15 week increase. after 3 days we got 5 mins wash time and $2.50 increase.
Twice threatened personally once threatened my family..
I wasonce nominated as Union repI wasn't even there, voted in, told them the next day I resigned on the spot.
29th November 2007, 05:44 PM #10
then get a new union rep?
29th November 2007, 05:48 PM #11
29th November 2007, 05:51 PM #12
commas are useful things,
I take this as
you nominated, were voted in, and resigned the next day,
so why did you nominate?
Ps not all Union reps are fat control freaks, many of us take on the job because its needed and no-one else wants it. I was 6 months preg when I took it on and believe you me i would have been happier if somone else could have been bothered.
29th November 2007, 05:53 PM #13
I resign from this debate as you are not listening, typical of the unions.
29th November 2007, 05:54 PM #14
29th November 2007, 05:58 PM #15
Haven't been in the union since then Astrid thats well over 25 yrs ago will never join one again.
The best thing anyone can do if being asked to join a Union is ask for the rule book first no demand it and tell them you'll make your judgment after that.
This is what you are signing to become a member of and like any other thing you join sign your name to you should read the fine print you'll be surprised, I was the shop union rep was a paid person of fee's he collected he received 35% back. This may have changed
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