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Thread: Chisel 101
12th January 2007, 10:57 AM #1
Chisel 101
Since you were knee high to a grasshopper you were told to always work away from you and never to you.
Those words of wisdom should also have added to them: with a chisel that you have just sharpened up real sharp.
In an effort to finish fixing a piano chair for my SIL last night I called up to SWMBO at 9:00pm that I was just going down to the shed to fix the chair.
So off I go.
Grab the nasty sharp 1" chisel, the arm rest and proced to pare away the bog so I can redowel it.
Herein begins saftey 101.
Put the thing in the vice, don't hold the thing you're working on with your left hand as you chisel with the right, because the rotten thing will slip and cut yourself.
Yep and that's what I did. The chisel let go with a mighty race to my pointer finger on my left hand and found a nice spot to slice into between the1st and 2nd knuckle.
Holy hell did it hurt! looked down to my finger and there was an almighty gouge there with blood pouring claret left right and centre.
(when you bleed, try not to get it on the stock which you are cutting dovetails into for you hand tool cabinet which you were using as a steady - managed not to do that.
Safety lessong 2 in chisel 101 - Rags.
Rags are used to stem the flow of claret. They are also used around the shed to mop up glue, wipe off dust from stuff and a million other things. In a race to stem the flow I grabbed the nearest rag which had all the above on it. Keep a rag for said emergencies.
So anyway I stumbled out into the night in a nice quiet street moaning things like "Holy shyte, $#@!, ooh man, cor this hurts, #$@!, shtye" These calls of pain will get SWMBO to pop her head out the window and ask if you are OK. In any other circumstances she'll tell you to clean your mouth out and stop swearing, must be the way to moan such words.
So a moments decision to do something other than for myself turned into disaster and I also missed the anime movie on SBS last night.
Two hours in emrmency waiting, three stitches later and I'm now incapicitated for 10 days which means I can't work on my hand tool cabinet or pick my daugter up, I can't even spray smelly stuff under my right arm SWMBO has to do that for me.
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12th January 2007, 11:06 AM #2
Sorry to hear about your little mishap Waldo, hopefully you'll be right in a few days. But where are the pics
12th January 2007, 11:07 AM #3
Join the club...ouch.
Pity the initiation is so painful.
Kick back and have a few coldies mate.Get well soon.
If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!
12th January 2007, 11:20 AM #4
G'day djstimber,
Funny you should ask that. In the painful moments after the event I thought of grabbing the camera just to show you lot that this event did take place, but the grab fore the rag to stem the claret came up as first thing, then to moan and swear, then get SWMBO to wrap em up.
Hang on...
Here you go. Now what good is my finger done up like that for? In that shape I can't even scratch my nose. Bugger.
I'll post more pics when I get the stiches out.
12th January 2007, 11:20 AM #5
Been there done that. Paring a round tenon on a chair leg, holding the leg in the left hand, paring towards it with the right. Slipped and went through my thumbnail severing it in two and about 10mm past the end of the nail towards the knuckle. Permanent scar in the thumbnail bed makes it grow in two pieces. Permanent reminder
12th January 2007, 11:22 AM #6
Another shot, for those who like the ugly stuff.
12th January 2007, 11:27 AM #7
What's goin on here with loading attachments.
Thanks for the comiserations (typo? probably) SilentC and Sheddie, at least I've still got full use of my right hand and can lift a few VBs later this arvo with the neighbour.
12th January 2007, 11:27 AM #8
Brother Waldo,
I did exactly the same thing a few years ago. Holding the board with one hand and the chisel slipped. It ended with a very deep cut on my palm. Had a look at my hand, no pain no blood.
5 seconds late…
My gosh it was blood everywhere. Spat on it, closed my hand as tight as possible and wrapped it with a towel.
The wife was too scared to look. I drove myself the Medical centre and got 5 stitches.
It was 10.30 at night.The night I became a real woodworker.
Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
12th January 2007, 11:36 AM #9
G'day Wongo Mate,
Yep, ecept SWMBO is into those medical real life programmes and loves this kind of stuff. ha df a short discussion of getting her to drive me to Emergency, and "What about Sarah, what do i do with her, and I'm in my pj's" , she says. "Get Rob (the neighbour to drive you", "No", I said, "He;s probably had more than a few already"
So I jumped in the XR and sped towards the hospital in pain, doing 10km above getting there, haven't told her yet I went past a spped camera and past the cop shop, but bugger the camera I thought I was in pain and I needed immediate treatment so i could get back into the shed and my cabinet ASAP. Whichwon't happen for another 10 days yet coz me bloody finger damn well hurts and I don't want to bust the stitches.
(and it is a bloody finger too)
12th January 2007, 11:40 AM #10
12th January 2007, 11:42 AM #11
G'day Wongo,
Yer all heart, and from a brother too.
12th January 2007, 01:00 PM #12rrich Guest
Great Minds run on the same track.......
Tuesday, I went to our equivalent of Bunntes. (Home Depot) I was looking into using a toilet (Commode) flange as an adapter for a dust collector. I pick up this flange and notice that the hole looks biger than my 4 inch dust collection system. So I try and fit the flange to a piece of 4 inch sewer pipe. The flange fits over the OUTSIDE of the sewer pipe. (The sewer pipe inside diameter is a bit too large to fit over dust collection pipe.)
Oh, well. A nice thought while it lasted.
I'll remove the flange and return it to the bin. OH! D*** the flange is sharp. Holly crap, I'm bleeding all over the place.
Off to the HMO. Three stiches right in the crease of my right thumb.
12th January 2007, 01:15 PM #13
G'day Rrich,
That's gotta hurt!
Why do fingers and toes and anything else hurt so much when you mistreat them?
Mental note; must not strain finger even how slight coz it flamin well hurts and makes me go all white. Think I'll go lie down for abit.
12th January 2007, 01:26 PM #14
Lots of sympathy, but no practical help.
Send photos of daughter, if OK, I'll pick her up.
Boring signature time again!
12th January 2007, 03:39 PM #15
Last edited by Groggy; 12th January 2007 at 08:59 PM. Reason: too long second time around. tidy up text.
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