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Thread: Amway / A2k.com.au
1st February 2006, 12:03 PM #1
Amway / A2k.com.au
SWMBO dragged me along to a presentation for Amway/A2K last night. I'm the resident skeptic in our house and firmly believe the old adage 'if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is'. On the other hand SWMBO is keen to give this a go and I'm trying very hard not to rain on her parade.
I was wondering whether anyone here had any experiences they could share.
I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
1st February 2006, 12:04 PM #2
Originally Posted by doublejay
1st February 2006, 12:14 PM #3
1st February 2006, 12:30 PM #4
The American Way (Amway)
Yep. I agree with the previous. My SWMBO is as sceptical as me but friends of ours dragged us along to a ra ra ra meeting once. When all the evangilistic blather finished I started asking questions about: Tax, ATO Rulings, Superannuation, vehicle costs, workers comp, pyramiding etc,etc.
None of my questions were answered to my satisfaction. end result...almost all the people walked out. (Oh, and to my knowledge, no one signed up and the friends who tooks us there are no longer friends..their choice not ours ).
I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!
1st February 2006, 12:35 PM #5
We had some, used to be friends ,come to our house and give us a personal floor show. We were unaware why they wanted to see us, that was part of the big plan. After they started I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry.
To think, had I followed their advice I'd be a gazillionare for sure by now.Boring signature time again!
1st February 2006, 12:36 PM #6
If you like the products, being a rep is a nice way of getting the products at a discount. If you like being paid for slave labour, the Nazis were more generous.
It's a pyramid scheme. Fight your way to the top and work your knickers off and you will make money ... trouble is, the grunts at the bottom doing all the hard work don't, and there are reasons why the successful ones all sound like crooks.
1st February 2006, 12:44 PM #7
Son in law works his guts out, and is continually recharged and believes it's all for his own benefit in the long term.
The numbers don't stack up.
No one will provide me with an answer on where all the customers come from, diverting the question basically.
The sum goes like this (I know it's not a pyramid...)
If I need 10 people working for me to make this work, and each of them need 10 people.... that's 100.
Now each of them need 10: total 1,000
and each of them need 10: total 10,000
Keep going and you'll get to a million people in six steps.
Say an Oz family is typically 4 people, then there are 5 million customers in Australia, and potential for six times 5 (30 people) to make it to the top of the pecking order.
SIL went to a conference last year with 400 attendees, but still can't get his head round the fact that 370 of them can't make it! All the newbies are just cannon fodder, providing cash flow at the top.
Ask questions like:
How much product do I have to sell to make $35,000.
How much product does one of my recruits have to sell?
How much does a typical family spend on these products in a year?
How many families do I need to have spending their entire yearly spend to achieve this result?
I'll bet you don't get an answer.
1st February 2006, 12:48 PM #8
Don't you just hate it when a mate you used to know years ago rings up out of the blue. Lets get together, I've got a great idea to make some money.......................................
Automatic deletion from mate catagory......................
1st February 2006, 12:48 PM #9
Three times we have been invited to 'business propositions' by friends. Three times it has turned out to be Amway. Three times we have lost those friends, mostly because they can't handle 'no', and they can't handle the results of violating a friendship.
If you value your friends, don't do it. You will lose most of them.
The products are ok, but they are not 'out of this world' and the pricing is no bargain, despite what they tell you.
Multi-level marketing. If you can climb to the top, you will be very rich. And the world will rotate around uplines and downlines for you.
1st February 2006, 12:52 PM #10
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.
1st February 2006, 12:54 PM #11
The people I know of that have become involved certainly change. They become fanatical about it, and it seems to take over their lives.
I saw one bloke ruin a good building business because Shamway took over his whole life.
1st February 2006, 01:09 PM #12
Back away, do not make eye contact.
Seriously..."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
1st February 2006, 02:14 PM #13
Was going to say something more but
RUN and do not look back.:eek:
1st February 2006, 02:16 PM #14
Quick way to loose friends & pisz people off. :mad:
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
1st February 2006, 02:19 PM #15
Originally Posted by Cliff Rogers
If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.