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8th November 2008, 04:06 PM #1
Ouwch! The stitches! Gorey pic. Warning!
Fairly new Makita drop saw got me. Or? Did I get it?
Was winding dwn after a cut so I'm lucky machine wasn't going at full revs. I stopped the blade though?
5 stitches later, no pain cause bone wasn't touched. Phew!
Soo embarrased. Never , ever before have I hurt myself in all the yrs I've had power tools in my hands.
Always got goggles and muffys on too.
I'm deaf as it is.
Guard wasn't all the way down after a cut.
Spring was failing.
Had it and the cover replaced already.
Thankyou William Angliss for your great care and attention.
Cheers.Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!
Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.
Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.
8th November 2008, 04:12 PM #2
Ouch! wont be picking your nose with that one for a little while. You were very lucky, could have been way worse!
8th November 2008, 04:39 PM #3
only a flesh wound
Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything, but they
bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs .
8th November 2008, 04:48 PM #4
Hope you cleaned and oiled the blade afterwards, so it doesn't go rusty... I reckon you'd have spilled a fair bit on it by the looks of that owie.
- Andy Mc
8th November 2008, 04:51 PM #5
what were you doing Finger Joints
Cheers Fred
The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with the light on.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/fredsmi ... t_creative"
Updated 26 April 2010
8th November 2008, 05:31 PM #6
8th November 2008, 06:28 PM #7
Finger joints? Clean the blade?
Clean the blade. Yep. I better go do that. Clever Skewy ha he.
Have I run into you in Main St?
Yuk! Might find the chunk that's missing on the blade ha he.
Finger joints? Now I'm laughing and it hurts ha he.
Very clever.
Makes you realise that you can't take these simple safety guards for granted.
No point saying,.......
" Oh the guards now not coming all the way down. I'll fix it TMRRW!"
I should have got onto it immediately.
Girlfriend annoying the crap out of me with regular bandage changes.
Love hurts.
Cheers.Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!
Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.
Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.
8th November 2008, 06:30 PM #8
Ouchie wah wah!
Good to know out local hospital does a good job though.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
8th November 2008, 10:25 PM #9
No serious injuries, but I too have found myself recently muttering something like "You dumb***; you stupid sonofa*****." Must, MUST, try to think first, "What can possibly go wrong?"
JoeOf course truth is stranger than fiction.
Fiction has to make sense. - Mark Twain
9th November 2008, 09:24 PM #10
Mate that looks fairly nasty, I hope it heals quickly though.
hug the tree before you start the chainsaw.
10th November 2008, 09:07 AM #11
Lucky, lucky boy. Could have been a lot worse. Hope it heals quickly.
You'll need all the help you can get with bandage changes. (At least she cares)
10th November 2008, 09:52 AM #12
An any other associated smilies that fit with a such an event in the shed.
Just clean up the blood splatter patterns in case you ever get a visit from the cops.
10th November 2008, 01:40 PM #13
Ouch...what could have been.
I almost did the same thing with my Makita drop saw recently...guard didn't retract completely and just nicked my finger nail. I put it down to the fact that I was cutting a lot of MDF for skirting boards and the sawdust from it clagged up the mechanism at the back which the guard rotates on.
Now I spray with CRC and clean it out regularly.
10th November 2008, 02:34 PM #14
Black nd bruised.
Had a look at the finger last night. All black and briused. Hit my nail....just.
It's bruised too.
Still no pain. Gotta feeling the stitched on chunk ( didn't come off) may not meld back onto finger properly. Stitches seem to be working???
I'm off work today. My back caved in again. Lower discs almost touching and nerve pinching. Holding onto anyhting this morning just to get around. But as I write I'm able to move move freely just in the last hr.
What do some of you know about this natural Glucocimine? ( spelling )
Physio sais it lubricates the joints.
Besides excerise, what else do.... you .....do to stop the pain seizures?
I'm am soo frightened that I can't get out of bed. REALLY!
I am debt free and I sure as hell don't want to be told I'm no longer wanted at work because of my recent inability to undertake my duties.
Not their fault.
I've never, ever used up all my sick days. Gawwwd.
Tell me about your ailing back and your treatments.
Thanks all. Tony.Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!
Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.
Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.
18th November 2008, 10:52 PM #15
A few years ago now... Back collapsed while I was in the garden, standing on something and swinging a mattock or similar as a hammer, driving in a stake. The sort of thing lots of people do without mishap, and I've done many times too.
Dad was with me, but as he was mid 70s or better, not really able to do much to get me up, and nobody else was at home.
After some thought and time for recuperation, I sent Dad to find a rake.
I climbed up it, and used it as a third leg to get into the house and onto my bed.
Wife arrived home. Passed the word around, "Dad's back's gone again." She may have called the quack, I recall one attending, I don't recall anything he said or did.
Daughter arrived, thinking to visit a chemist on the way. She brought fine gifts, panadeine plus or similar (then available over the counter) and nurofen. "Two of each, every four hours."
They were wonderful, made me slightly drowsy and hence relaxed. Negligible pain, provided I didn't move.
I stayed flat on my back for three days, except when I needed to piddle into a bucket (and that was fairly difficult). Fortunately, I didn't need to attend the thunderbox in that time, when I did I used a stick as a support again, and I think that's when I had my first shower in days.
Since then, back's been pretty well okay.
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