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Thread: Bloody Magpies
15th September 2005, 03:18 PM #1
Bloody Magpies
No this isn't about that crappy footy team.
I am in training for the Great Victorian Bike Ride. (http://www.bv.com.au/inform.php?a=5&b=142&c=128)
Each lunch time I do a quick 20k ride. Along the path that I sometimes ride along a bloody magpie keeps swooping me. They sh!!t me. Just like the footy team.
I'm going to get a set I've eyes to stick on the back of my helmet. I thought I only needed eyes in the back of my head when I was logged on to this BB.Photo Gallery
15th September 2005, 03:30 PM #2
go the magpie - hope he pecks your frikken eyes out!
15th September 2005, 03:34 PM #3
Eyes on Helmet,,,,or carry a tennis racket. I killed one with a racket once when I was 10. Took me a good week to get over it.
15th September 2005, 03:42 PM #4
Eyes don't work.
Riding really really fast doesn't work.
Tennis racquet does work, but only till tomorrow when they seem to get even angrier.
You could try taking off your helmet, and WALKING your bike past the offending tree, but that only works if it's the sort of Maggie that only attacks people on bikes. I've got one of them, the only trouble is that I just get out of his territory and I get one that only attacks people on foot. :eek:
For some stats on the safest thing to be doing check out http://www.nisu.flinders.edu.au/pubs...s/magpies.html (Note that no injuries have been reported by people "working" on their computers, or in a workshop of any description. There is a lesson in there somewhere!
From about Now till the end of next month, I drive to the beach and go for a walk. .... .. . . I hate the little buggers at this time of year.
P (I hate swooping Magpies too!)
15th September 2005, 03:45 PM #5
we have a pet magpie - feed it and it will stop swooping you.
I love my mr and mrs magpie - they come in and have a little feed and a sing and off they go, then they bring thier babies and show them off.... when I get home i'll take photo and post it.Zed
15th September 2005, 04:19 PM #6
Since our resident Maggie family moved in about 4 years ago we have had no Indian Mynahs in the area. And no Apricotrippers either.
15th September 2005, 04:26 PM #7
Maggies are good. Way better than Currawongs.
Like somebody said, make friends with it.
15th September 2005, 04:27 PM #8
heres mr magpie - the photo doesnt do him justice.
15th September 2005, 06:04 PM #9
Just before I was out for lunch sittin on a park wall, munching on a dogs eye. A Maggie came to within about a metre of me looking for a bit of tucker. I was amazed at how close it came.
15th September 2005, 06:46 PM #10
I run a team of 36 posties, we have about 450 YEARS of combined Magpie experience.
I gotta tell ya Grunt, eyes, different coloured helmet, it's all crap! They get used to changes within 24hrs. We have tried all sorts of weird stuff over the years - everything failed.
A few years ago UQ came out to our office to do a study. Sent a Doctor of something & he reckoned he new all about it. The last I saw or heard of him, he was in casualty having 6 stitches put in his cheek from one of our resident psycho magpies :eek: :eek: :eek:
Nothing works except a long stick or racket although a VERY WIDE brimmed hat helps some
15th September 2005, 07:05 PM #11
We have a couple of pet maggies too. They are soooo polite, they land at our front gate and WALK up the driveway about 15 metres or so to the pond, have a bit of a swim, then WALK back to the gate where they take off.
No matter how much they love us for 11 months of the year, one of them just can't abide cyclists at THAT time.
I read heaps of research last year trying to find a way round it, and curiously removal is the only solution (not the right one for us).
It seems that only a small percentage actually swoop, and of those some will attack anything, some attack cyclists only, some attack only pedestrians, and strangely (one for the Major) some seem to confine their attacks to Motorcycle mounted postmen!!
Just enjoy them when they are good!
15th September 2005, 07:14 PM #12
Originally Posted by Zed
Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
15th September 2005, 07:19 PM #13
I think it goes to show that the magpies are bloody annoying. Isn't that right Gumby?
Photo Gallery
15th September 2005, 07:19 PM #14
12 Guage
My BIL used to do a lot of jogging, any whooo this maggie use to swoop him all the time.
Sooo one day he took along Mr 12 Gauge for a jog, guess what................
No more Mr Maggie.
15th September 2005, 07:25 PM #15
Originally Posted by ozwinner
I wouldnt try going jogging carrying a shottie with Mr Howard's new anti terroism measures in place. The shottie and the foilie will definitely attract attention.Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
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