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Thread: Psuedofed
20th July 2005, 08:11 AM #1
Gingerchick asked me to buy some psuedofed for her on the way home from work the other day. When I got to the chemist the saleswoman told me I'd need a script. So I bought another product, then was told that soon I would need a script to buy psuedofed. (lying hound)
Gingerchick had told me I would need to supply my licence, but aren't we getting way off course when legitimate use of a product is stopped because some misuse it?Mick
20th July 2005, 09:14 AM #2
I was talking to a mate who is a copper the other night about this very thing. What they do is drive from say Melbourne up to Brisbane and stop at every chemist along the way and buy a packet of Sudafed or anything that has pseudoephedrine in it. In Brisbane they pick up the kit that gives them what they need to make speed, then they drive back to Melbourne, buying a few more packets on the way. When they get home, they make $300,000 worth of speed and live happily ever after.
I suppose the idea of the legislation is to limit access to people who have a legitimate reason to buy it. The question is whether the inconvenience to the legitimate user is mitigated by the difficulty speed manufacturers will have in getting enough of it together to make a batch. I reckon all that will happen is there will suddenly be a lot of sick bikies around."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
20th July 2005, 09:38 AM #3
The politicians and the courts assume everyone else is as dumb, dull and as greedy as themselves. That accounts for the hopeless laws with all their flaws we currently have to endure.
The scum who make the drugs only do so because it is illegal and therefore highly profitable. The slime will find ways to purchase the chemicals. If they are caught, the courts let them off lightly if they pay the judges mates (barristers) big money to represent them.
Coppers are being buried in paperwork and assigned to catching people doing 51 Km/hr in 50 Km/hr zones. They don't have the time or resources to chase those in the illegal drug industry.
The illegal drug manufacturers therefore engage in a low risk high profit activity.
What do our politicians do about this? They bring in a law to make it difficult for people with colds and flu to get medication! What a flaming joke but consistent with many other laws.
It seems the druggies have better representation than those of us who keep our noses clean and pay taxes.- Wood Borer
20th July 2005, 11:35 AM #4
20th July 2005, 11:40 AM #5
wood borer
you may have killed this thread thers not much more to say , you I feel have hit the nail on the head .
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
20th July 2005, 11:45 AM #6
Hit the nail on the head?
That would give the nail a headache and nails might not be able to get aspros unless they have a driver's licence ....- Wood Borer
20th July 2005, 06:27 PM #7
Unfortunatly I knew a drug dealer many years ago.
He was growing it in rented houses.
He got busted on one house lot.
His solicitor told him not to worry as he will get a fine no bigger than if he had been caught speeding in his car.
And thats all he got.
Al :confused:
20th July 2005, 06:46 PM #8
Sudafed, I was busy trying to work out how to spell psuedoephedrine.