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Thread: Yoo Hoo! Firefox users
18th January 2005, 10:50 AM #1
Yoo Hoo! Firefox users
Having recently made the switch to Firefox at home and at work, one thing about it really bugs me.
This is; when I page down on the BB main page in order to select a forum at the bottom (eg this one), after I've finished reading the threads and hit the back arrow to go back to the main page, it always returns me to the top of the page forcing me to page down again.
Does anybody know if there is a way to stop this behaviour ?
Craig (slightly frustated with Firefox)
18th January 2005, 10:57 AM #2
Doesn't look like it. It's reloading the page, rather than just displaying the cached version, which is probably better than the IE default behaviour. The downside is that it loses your place. When I want to read a post I hold the control key and click it. That way it opens in a new tab and I close that when I'm finished and the original window is still there in the same place I left it.
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
18th January 2005, 11:10 AM #3
I've just changed over to Firefox after lots of problems with IE6. Thanks for the tip Silent, it's very handy to have those tabs open at the top, never realised you could do that but then again, I never read instruction manuals either !
If at first you don't succeed, give something else a go. Life is far too short to waste time trying.
18th January 2005, 11:15 AM #4
Originally Posted by silentC
Now I have to learn a new way of doing things.
And me old and set in me ways too
BTW why is it better to reload the page rather than using the cached version?
18th January 2005, 11:36 AM #5
Actually, on closer inspection, I may have been speaking out of my backside. Looks like Firefox doesn't actually refresh the page when you click 'back' either. It looked like it was but I tested it with the time on the SMH page and it doesn't.
The reason it's a problem is because when you develop an 'active' page that could be updated at any time, if the user clicks back, the page that they see was what was there last time they looked but it may have changed in the meantime. You only see the new details when you refresh the page. This is a bit of a pain when you are trying to develop a system that allows people to change things and see the changes in real time."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
19th January 2005, 01:31 AM #6
I just lurve firefox... *insert love icon here :P*
The tab thingy is great. no more task bars full of different sites
Only problem I am having though... (wonder if anyone knows how to fix it)
Is when I post in these forums and other forums using vbulletin forums I use an emoticon and it posts it at the bottom of the page instead of where the cursor was.... :confused: and I have to cut and paste it to where I want it
20th January 2005, 12:28 AM #7
If you have a 3 button mouse, clicking the third button on a link/new thread or whatever opens it in a new tab as you said silent.
Gemi, I find the same thing, select & drag with the mouse can be quicker, as is typing the keys for that smiley, eg colon eek colon for :eek:
Sorry for introducing colons to this thread.........
Cheers..........Sean, chief proctologist, talking out of his rrrrrsssss
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
20th January 2005, 04:28 PM #8
A tip that I came across quite some time ago is to set your cache size to zero. This is meant to force it )any browser, not just FF) to reload when you go-back as there is no cached data to update from.
Worth a try?
20th January 2005, 09:20 PM #9
Just be aware that doing so will increase your download traffic and if you are on a limited or casual plan, it could increase your ISP charges. This is because your browser will no longer be caching pages and so will always request the download, even if the page or image has not changed.
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
20th January 2005, 11:24 PM #10
Gee, Firefox is the duck's guts yet all I hear is people raving about it then telling us the workarounds to make it behave like IE (another list is doing the same thing at the moment, not just this forum). So why is is so good? Particularly seeing if you are worried about security, you've got a good firewall anyway, not just a free one (yes Virginia, I've got a nephew who works in the industry and has told me all about the ways to get through the popular free firewalls).
I'm not narky at Firefox - I'm just wondering why people think it's so wonderful, when they then have to develop ways of making it behave.
21st January 2005, 01:49 AM #11
Whats so good about it?
With FF, while at the woodwork site and I want to check out yahoo email or something, i just click Ctrl+T and I have another browser within the first one (on tabs) to do my surfing with.
Alot easier then trying to find IE icon, double clicking and then a new browser...
With Firefox it has a built in popup blocker.. OK IE just did this too...hmmm wonder why?
Firefox displays webpages and gif images continuously... IE tends to stop or freeze on some...
They are just the few things I have found to like about it.
Apart from the emoticon thing with THIS forum and other forums using the template of vbulletin, there is no other faults!!!
Hey Daddles,
why not download it, its only 4mb, its free and it may just feel good to use :P I tried it out, and now I'm use to it and prefer it!
22nd January 2005, 05:17 PM #12
Hi Folks
I am impressed with firefox for browsing through the forums etc
but if I want to compose an email via "tools,new mail" it takes me to the microsoft email software , I want to use netscape for reading + composing mail but cannot find any option to set for it , anybody have any clues ??
thanksIligitimus non carbourundum
25th January 2005, 10:21 PM #13
Firefox or Mozilla
OK woodies, I use Mozilla for my favourite forums, tabbed browsing etc. Should I try Firefox? :confused:
25th January 2005, 10:58 PM #14Should I try Firefox?
Firefox is the later release of the Mozilla browser. It is faster. You should get the latest version unless you use the email client and html editor.
www.mozilla.orgPhoto Gallery