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Thread: Slugs in my bathroom - Help!!!
7th July 2007, 10:12 AM #1
Slugs in my bathroom - Help!!!
Hi Guys,
We are slowing being invaded by a colony of garden slugs in the ensuite. Not sure where they're coming from - I suspect from the shower drain pipe.
Its quite a gory sight, not to mention hygiene issues which might arise. We only see them at night and by morning they've all disappeared back into their hide-outs.
The house is in Melbourne and is a 60's brick veneer. The entire house is on stumps and the bathroon is off the ground by around four feet.
Assuming these slugs are crawling up the shower drain, is there anything I can do to get rid of these buggers - my wife freaks everytime she sees one of these things crawling on the shower floor.
I'm thinking Drain-O at the moment.
Has the recent rains being experienced in Melbourne have anything to do with this.
7th July 2007, 10:31 AM #2
Put slug pellets under the house.
I doubt that they are coming out of the shower waste, there must be a hole somewhere for them to get in.
7th July 2007, 11:24 AM #3
They don't like salt - at all - they dissolve. Sprinkle some around wherever you don't want them until you find a better solution.
7th July 2007, 02:24 PM #4
Natural predators for slugs are frogs and birds, I think chickens too.
Maybe you should get a few chooks. Slugs also hate dry conditions being mostly made up of water themselves. Difficult to keep a bathroom dry though.Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
7th July 2007, 02:30 PM #5
7th July 2007, 03:42 PM #6
I read one of those Grunt-eco-house articles a while ago, where the people had a chemical free house and kept slugs in their shower to eat the mould spores.
Maybe you could keep a couple of ducks in the bath to keep the numbers down.
7th July 2007, 04:18 PM #7
Get under your house and check the drainage under your shower, if it is cracked or has a hole in it the slugs will get in there no worries. If there is a hole or a crack go to your local reece or tradelink and ask them for a kit of 'Ferro' which is a two part putty type sealant. Mix it up and apply over the area and bobs yer uncle.
8th July 2007, 08:27 AM #8
I failed to mention that the shower base is beginning to leak and an inspection under house has revealed wet and rotting floor joists. The tiling in the shower base is old and no doubt moisture is leaking between the tiles. This said I couldn't see any major areas where large gaps the slugs could possibly come through.
We are planning a major gut and refurbishment of the ensuite in coming months which will address the problem.
In the meantime, I will take your collective advice and use salt in one section of the ensuite - a rather tight area between the shower screen and the vanity where there are some broken tiles. I think this might be their entry point.
8th July 2007, 09:30 AM #9
9th July 2007, 01:11 PM #10
Why not set up a whole ecosystem. Slugs, ducks, chooks. Leave some water for the ducks, put your food scraps in there as well for ducks and chooks. Eggs every morning instead of a shower!
9th July 2007, 03:40 PM #11
I found slug trails on the carpet in the restuarant at work, and tracked it down to a pot plant. The slug was hiding out during the day in the saucer under the pot, and going out fossicking at night time.
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