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Thread: Telemarketers (again)
7th July 2005, 08:11 PM #1
Telemarketers (again)
1. Phone conversation 1.
(ring ring!!)
Me: hello
Telemarketer: hello is that Mr Turner (heavy Indian accent)
Me: Who are you and what are you trying to sell me?
Telemarketer: On no Mr Turner Im not trying to sell anything.
Me: are you calling from a call centre in India?
Telemarketer: oh no Mr Turner. I would just like to know if you pay the phone bill in your household?
Me: Are you sure youre not trying to sell me something...like for example an alternative to my current phone service provider??
Telemarketer: oh no Mr Turner, I am not trying to sell you anything..I would jut like to offer you a better deal with your phone service....
(getting fairly hot under the collar by now)
Me: Stop....stop. Okay....I asked you at the start of this call if you were trying to sell me anything and you flatly denied it. Now youre offering me a deal with some phone service provider. I think even a 2 year old child could deduce that youre trying to sell me something. Youve lied to me and youre very dishonest...dont ever call me again.
2. Phone conversation 2....5 minutes later:
(ring ring!)
Me: hello... are you a telemarketer!!!?????
(Stunned silence at other end and then the sound of a phone being hurredly put back on the hook).Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
7th July 2005, 08:19 PM #21. Phone conversation 1.(ring ring!!)
Me: hello
Telemarketer: hello is that Mr Turner (heavy Indian accent)
then say:
P!SS OFF. and don't call me again you low life snake.
See my way is much quicker.Boring signature time again!
7th July 2005, 08:39 PM #3
Originally Posted by outback
They breed em faster than you can tell em to get stuffed.
7th July 2005, 08:44 PM #4
A little off topic and early in the thread I know.
About two months ago I purchased a large fridge, part of the deal was a $300 voucher by redemption. This voucher had not arrived so I rang the company today to ask about it.
When I provided my name and address i was told about 5 seconds later that the reciept had been processed today and would be mailed tommorrow.
I thought this was a bit of a coincedence so I asked if they normally take 2 months to process or if they do nothing, wait until somebody calls and then tell them it was processed today. (hoping that more peopple would forget than call)
Seems a little dodgy to me.
Jack"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
7th July 2005, 09:04 PM #5
You won't stop them while people still buy their crap.
You will live longer if you don't let them get up your nose.
If you are busy, say "No thank you" & hang up quickly & smile.You will live a lot longer.
If you are not busy, waste their time a bit for the hell of it 'cos it will run up their phone bill &/or tie them up for a while so they don't bug somebody who is busy... put them on hold, excuse yourself & tell them to wait a minute while you get a pen & put the phone down before they can tell you that you don't need one & then go back to your shed/book/TV/Newspaper/garden/beer whatever.
Don't loose your temper, it doesn't do you any good at all.Cliff.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
7th July 2005, 09:04 PM #6
do we have any indians on the forum ?
7th July 2005, 09:10 PM #7
Originally Posted by Zed
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
7th July 2005, 09:37 PM #8
Originally Posted by Zed
Dont care what planet these low lifes come from...I just want them to p**s off an respect my privacy.
Its got so bad I now flip my answer machine on between the hours of 4.30 and 9.30 everyday It means that Im now incurring extra costs when I have to call back legitimate callers...its totally unacceptable.Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
7th July 2005, 11:09 PM #9
I had a series of incidents recently with an energy firm. They'd ring and ask if this was an appropriate time. I'd say no. They suggest the following week. I'd say yes and they'd ring off. This happened about four times. I haven't heard from them since.
but by crikey it was hard being polite
7th July 2005, 11:20 PM #10
Originally Posted by Zed
"I see dumb peope!"
7th July 2005, 11:35 PM #11
I too used to find tele marketers annoying, I even use like it when they rang after I had had a bad day so I could take it out on them. Then I met this poor 18 year old kid who worked in a call centre because he had no skills and didn't want to go on the dole and be labeled a bludger. So now I politely say "no thank you" and hang up. I figure their self esteem is low enough with out me calling them low life scum.
I'm not sure about the Indian call centres it might be differant over there, after all they have such a wonderful standard of living in India
8th July 2005, 08:58 AM #12
my opinion :
we all need to work to feed our families except rich kids who dont know how anyway
the poor dude from the call centre is just doing what he has to do to survive, if he didnt someone else would
the poor dude from the INDIAN call centre is probably better educated that you or I and probably considers himself lucky to have the job he has.
India is probably a rathole compared to oz, this doesnt give us the right to treat them badly - does this cause racial hatred and is it the root cause of terrorsism ? :confused: ok thier timing is bad - but methinks if you get offended by call call centre calling you then you probably will be offended at any time and whatever accent they use. What if Neil and Pauline decided to employ a call centre to drum up business for the next big wax ? would you listen, hang up or get rude ?
call centres KNOW most people will hang up or give a earful, but for every hangup there is probably someone who is interested in the service they are offering - this makes it worthwhile.
having said that :
1) I dont like sending jobs offshore either
2) do like they tell the kids about drugs ; "Just say no"
3) if call centres truly offend you send your business elsewhere or write to your supplier - if enough people complain it may stop 'em
4) pancakes
cheers big ears. play nice, I always do ....Zed
8th July 2005, 09:22 AM #13
8th July 2005, 10:40 AM #14
Indians are big on certificates for just about anything, I was travelling by train from Bombay to Calcutta, 1st class (that means you sit inside the carriage, fair dinkum) after making an application to buy a ticket, then getting a permit to purchase a ticket, three bloody days and the damned trains near on empty.........inside.
Anyway I digress, sitting there minding my own business when a youngish bloke comes up, dressed in a suit and carrying a brief case,'good morning sir', opens case, looks like a surgical instrument salesman or Ghunga Din the Ripper, 'may I clean out your ears 'No, pyse off' 'but sir, I have ear cleaning certificate' which he duly produced.
It is unbelievable.
My cousin was robbed a couple of days later on the same train after accepting a cup of their tea (big urn, boiling milk, sugar and water then add tea leaves yuughhhh), 10 minutes later out cold and woke up some hours later to find his luggage gone but plus a huge headache.
Maybe they have become the telemarketers.Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
8th July 2005, 10:46 AM #15
Originally Posted by Zed
The reasons I object to telemarketers ringing me up is much the same as the reason I hate spammers clogging up my inbox......1. THEY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR MY PRIVACY and 2. THEY COST ME TIME AND MONEY.
The spammers forced me to go and get myself a (paid for) email account with Berlin wall black listing and blocking features. The telemarketers are forcing me to filter incoming phone calls with my answer machine and then I have to return valid calls at MY expense.
I can handle a telemarketer wasting my time every few days but 5-6 calls every day at the busiest time of my day and now even calls at lunchtime is too much. Telemarketers are too stupid to realise that if they keep this game up eventually there will be restrictions placed on their activities.
MartinWhatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
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