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29th October 2024, 07:24 PM #1
Why is there a storm water drainage pit in the front corner on my city property?
Why is there a storm water drainage pit in the front corner of my city property?
I've had a number of plumbers over to quote on the 3 to 5 yearly pipe clear.
One mentioned it was strange to have a pit there.
I had reasoned it was for overflow if blocked and backed up.
Another mentioned that it should be connected to mains instead of to the street.
I've had a look and very few other properties have street discharge.
I've dug up the pit and was planing on replacing it since the original one was brink and rendering.
Where the rendering was almost gone and the bottom was missing if there ever was one.
I was going to replace it with a 450mm hoping to relieve some of the back pressure.
If there is such a thing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rain Pit.jpg
Rain Pit 2.jpgThanks,
Barry G. Sumpter
May Yesterdays Tears Quench the Thirst for Tomorrows Revenge
29th October 2024, 08:15 PM #2
You can replace it with whatever size pit you want either pre-formed or made on site.
Back pressure is a result of the head or height of the water, unless you lower the outflow from the pit pressure will not change.
To determine if your connection should be the gutter or a stormwater main you need to contact your council and ask where your LPOD, Legal Point Of Discharge is.
An inspection on-site is required to understand if there is a reason for the pit, your plumber would be best suited to answer the question.
30th October 2024, 07:39 AM #3
Thanks for the Reply Droog.
I want to replace it with a pipe going straight through and backfilling.
With no pit.
I sent in a request last week for the council,
to move my street discharge to the mains like everyone else on the street.
But haven't heard anything back yet.
I'll send another request to find out the legal point of Discharge.
Many Thanks for that.
The query originated from a plumber.
Thanks again.
Dun n dust'.
thru pipe it is.Thanks,
Barry G. Sumpter
May Yesterdays Tears Quench the Thirst for Tomorrows Revenge
18th January 2025, 04:31 PM #4
Now I know why.We've removed the drainage pit.There was a huge rain storm a few days ago.And every rain gutter overflowed.Heavily.
Barry G. Sumpter
May Yesterdays Tears Quench the Thirst for Tomorrows Revenge
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18th January 2025, 06:02 PM #5
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