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23rd October 2024, 09:54 AM #1
Paint/Seal concrete slab reeking of cat urine in Granny Flat
Looking for recommendations on a sealer (clear or color) o apply to a concrete slab inside a granny flat.
Had people staying there for 18months with cats and man the place "STINKS" of cat....most likely cat urine.
The main room seems fine as its a 1 piece lino however the other 2 rooms (gym & bedroom) just has carpet rugs which has now been removed.
Have mopped 4 times (laundry detergent, ajax, floor cleaner and with a small amount of vinegar. Place has been wide open for 2 weeks but when closing up for a few days, the smell returns.
Thinking the friggin cats must have urinated on the rugs/concrete so now looking to seal the concrete with something that's reasonably hardy to withstand gym equipment moving about.
Wanting a matt finish.....not really interested in an epoxy finish or a gloss finish.
Was thinking of a water based product to limit the solvent smells although not essential as can leave the place open for a few weeks.
23rd October 2024, 10:46 AM #2
I would be cleaning well first before sealing.
Friends had ferret urine smell in a house they bought, very difficult to rid.
So, more research I reckon. I can't remember what they used, but I think they considered grinding at one stage.
? Maybe carpet for the gym rather than sealing, then if you still have the smell you can replace the carpet more easily than if you have sealed the smell in.
(I once passed up buying a house with timber floorboards due to ferret smell).
23rd October 2024, 04:26 PM #3
Get one of the enzyme cleaners from a pet store before sealing the concrete. Depending on results sealing may not be required.
23rd October 2024, 05:22 PM #4
Triclenium is a product that's meant to be good for killing stuff soaked into concrete
I would honestly consider just gluing down more lino as i'd be surprised if you can really seal a smell in.
You'll also find most sealers, which are pretty much paint, will probably chip and scratch fairly easily. Something more solid like an epoxy would put up with being lived on ALOT better.
23rd October 2024, 07:12 PM #5
If you can't get a suitable non-glossy epoxy (I haven't had cause to look into this), use a gloss one, lightly sand to provide a key and paint it matt
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