Hello Gentlemens.
Here is an idea I have in my head.......................
I need to sound insulate between two bedrooms that are already there.
The walls have plaster board on them leaveing a 100mm cavity.
Two thoughts come to mind, rip off the plaster, install the insulation, then replaster, or..............putting in expanding foam that comes in a pressure can.
You know the stuff, Space Invader and the like.
I could drill a series of holes and squart in the foam.
I saw a simular thing done in England to insulate the cavity in brickwork.
You drill holes up the wall and inject the foam from the bottom
( bottom of the wall, you weirdos ), once the foam reaches the next row of holes you stop, when it is dry/set you continue.
Now the things I need to know.
Is the expanded foam flamable when set?
Which in your opion is the easiest?
Was Michael Jackson realy married to the Presley Kid, if so, WHY?
I also thought of putting a second skin of plaster board on the wall, will that help?
The only reason I am thinking of doing this, is because my son is on the computer in the next room and I can hear him pounding away at the keys, yes, he has a soft touch key board.
Oh and now he has a girl stay over now and again, also pounding away.
Cheers, Al