Would You Want To Know If you only had a little while to live?
I think I would,
I'd like the time to say goodbye to some people
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Would You Want To Know If you only had a little while to live?
I think I would,
I'd like the time to say goodbye to some people
Yep. So you can tell me now.
twould be good to punch my old boss in the head at just the right time:D
Oh, and that unsecured loan for my family:)
And to run naked onto the MCG:eek:
Like Dazzler, I'd enjoy my last days. Do all the things I'd always wanted to do but was too chicken.
Might be a bit hard tho with all the tubes hanging out and the wheelchair.
There wouldn't be too many of Kuringai Council left standing and......
I guess I'm a fortunate man, I can't think of anyone else to list.
Oh, forgot Benny Himm, Taaam Cruise and a few other leading religious figures.
I'd just like to get thing's in order and spend time with family and friends..
there's nothing like impending death or its likely probability to make one realise just what is and isn't important. If you liken it to the sword of Damocles then there's been a sword hanging over SWMBO's head (sometimes really close, other times a bit further away, but always there) for almost ten years now:( . Along the way we've both discarded a lot of baggage that we used to think was important.
No more work ... just play in the shed and with the kids
Hey Bob, interesting poll.....but your timing absolutely sucks.
No I like a surprise.:cool:
Shouldn't we all live as though it's our last days :rolleyes:
That's interesting Mick what kind of things fell by the wayside?Quote:
Originally Posted by journeyman Mick
I am aware of your scan.Quote:
Originally Posted by Termite
But at any point in time it may affect someone who has some problems.
There is no intention to afftect you or anyone else.
things like owning stuff, having lots of money in order to live/have a "good" lifestyle, and working long hours to get that money. Fashionable clothes, fancy appliances, new cars, a fancy house, even a fancy dinner outing.
We don't live an austere lifestyle, but we do't long for "the good life" either. So what we have and experience is valued more. I guess basically that you try to give every day the value that it truly has, rather than seeing it as a stepping stone to where you want to get. Life is here, now, today and may not be around tommorrow.
Yes, I'd like to know, but don't think I'd like my nearest & dearest to.
It's hard to know which one to pick. If you had a potentially terminal disease and you knew when you were going to kark it, you could make all those arrangements and settle all those old scores with impunity, but it would also take away the will to keep fighting on the offchance that the diagnosis was wrong and that your cure was just down the track a bit. I wouldn't want to throw in the towel until I didn't have the strength to pick it up!
Reminds me of a tale.
The elderly gentleman was dying on his death bed and worrying how his widow would financially survive and she said "dont worry darling, everytime we went to bed and you know what I put a little money aside" and the gentleman said "I wished you had told me years ago, I would have given you all my business"