I'm booked in for a brain scan tomorrow, hope they find one.........but if they don't it will explain a lot.
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I'm booked in for a brain scan tomorrow, hope they find one.........but if they don't it will explain a lot.
Good luck with it Termite.;)
I had a colonoscopy yesterday (absolutley true). No brain down there either. :D
Good luck with it Termie.
I had a CT scan once. It's quite a bizarre experience as you lie on the slider thingy and get slid into this space machine type gizmo. ;)
The good thing is that it doesn't hurt.
Hope all goes well.
Dont forget to wear your foily.
Al :D
Good Luck Termite
Good luck.
I had a cat scan once..... they didnt find one cat !!! :D:D:D
Good luck mate! There's not much to the test - from the testee's point of view. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome!
Originally Posted by Termite
Good luck mate............. and if they find one insist that they give it back to you as it will help to have one.:D :D :D
Good luck mate.
If ya find one, keep it quiet, everyone round here will want to borrow it. :D
Good luck Termite, think nice thoughts about the medicos when they're running the machine ;) :p
if you die can I have your starter ? (what a terrible thing to say...:rolleyes: )
good luck
Good luck Termite, wish good things for you and that the resultant outcomes see you in a favourable light.:)
Hope all go well. :)
What's a starter ? :confused: :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by Zed
Asother have said, good luck with it.
I'm also going to be braver than others and pry, why? nothing serious I hope.?
Ignore Zed, Craig, he's just trying to crank up Termite :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by craigb
Yeah, I know. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by scooter
I'd still like to know what a starter is though.
Does he mean an entree? :confused:
Viagra I think. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by craigb
I'm with Himzo, why?
Nothing serious I hope, or is it just in the name of medical science? :D
Go on stun those smarmy medicos with your perfect health and huge....... brain, or is that brian;) .
Look at me I've got a great big Brian:o .
Must be woodies scan time, I headed off for an ultra sound last week and I'm not pregnant if anyone asks. The bulk of these tests seem to aimed at eliminating possibilities hope yours is the same.
Goodluck John
Hope all goes well. Take along your favourite relaxing music CD, they'll usually play whatever you bring. If it's an MRI it will be a bit noisy and last for 40 mins or so. Wife has them very often :( .
Good luck Termite, hope all goes well for you.
a starter is a bread related yeast culture grower.. bread makers covet their starter. I covet Termites...:D
Thinking of you today Termite
Mate, I hope the head job comes to nothing ;) all the best young fella!
Ah yes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zed
I forgot about his bread making. :D
Mr Sourdough Termite. :)
Hope all goes well for you.
Good luck Termite make sure they scan the right end.:)Quote:
Originally Posted by Termite
All the best Bill.:)
Have fun with your scan mate.
My last one was ... interesting. It was an ultrasound ... of the umm scrotum. Ya see, I'd developed a cyst on the tubes. Looks like I've got three of them bally things down there. No, I'm not bragging, just getting to the point of this story which was that the scan, being ultrasound, required the gadget to be pressed against the area, and moved around, and that umm various bits of equiptment had to be held out of the way by the medico, and that medico just happened to be in her early twenties and an utter stunner :o
I maintained my dignity, but the memory lingers
Thanks for all the wishes folks, deadline is 3 hours time. The problem is that I appear to have a severe balance problem, yes yes I know I've been unstable for years, the situation has not responded to the usual treatments for an inner ear infection. Further investigation has shown that pressure is being applied to the relevant mechanism from an internal source, and they are going looking for the source of pressure, to be quite honest shirts is trumps at the moment.
We'll have to stop telling you what a great bloke you are, your head is swelling ;)
All the best mate. Let us know how you get on.
All the best, Termite.....
Never use the term 'deadline' when talking medical stuff :eek: :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Termite
I always recommend a bottle of good scotch for all illness - it may not cure the problem but at least you enjoy being sick;)
I hope you didn't poke fun at her ;):eek::DQuote:
Originally Posted by Daddles
Damn... a friend up here has that, he has a small tumor behind his ear, it isn't growing at present but if they operate he will end up deaf in that ear & it's his good ear. :eek:
Hope all is well Bill, you have a lot of mates here thinking of you.