Any Goodies fans out there?
They are doing a gig in Melbourne.
The Goooooodies....
I cant wait.
Al :D
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Any Goodies fans out there?
They are doing a gig in Melbourne.
The Goooooodies....
I cant wait.
Al :D
Hey Al, I think the link is a bit off. Keeps sending to microsloths web page????
Aaarrrrrrrrrrr catch that Gibbon
AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr Catch that Gibbon
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrCatch that Gibbon Now!!!
Ripper I wanna go!!!!..............when its on??
Regards Lou:D:D:D
Fixed, I hope.Quote:
Originally Posted by Wood Butcher
Al :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by NewLou
If you are going to go let me know and we'll make a date of it.
Al :p
Much Better,
Thanks Al:D
Ya bastard! ;) You've made me remember a whole lot of really old bits from The Goodies:-
The traditional Lancastrian martial art: Ecky Thump.
Home handyman work in Yorkshire: DIT (Do It Thissen)
Nostalgia - leave me alone! :D
Ehh by eck is thee from ta north too.
Where from Col?
By ecky thump?
Al :D
If anyone wants to make a night of it I game.
Im going to wear my hairy chaps, and bring my tomatoe shaped sauce bottle, for the show down, hombrae.
Al :D
Liverpool, home of the Beatles and other known 60's groups and icons!..:cool:
Manchester here, well more Stockport side of things.
I supported Stockport County for many years, I suppose I still do as I have SC on my Google Earth places of interest.
Al :)
My Dad(deceased), his brother lived in Manchester, remember as a kid going to visit him, he lived in Tassie for years and now lives in QLD, move there after my Aunty past away, really funny bloke!...:)
Aye, I'm a Northerner awright.
Born and bred on the banks of the mighty Mersey. Learned to swim in the Manchester Ship Canal (no kiddin' - I must have absorbed enough nasties to create antibodies that'll make me immune to almost anything!). Cats with tails round our way were visitors. Did my competitive rowing with Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club on the Great West Float in Birkenhead - for the benefit of those that don't know what I'm talking about, the Great West Float is an enormous dock on the south bank of the Mersey opposite Liverpool city centre. So if you think rowing is a sport for the sons of the aristocracy, think again. In the North of England it's a sport for blokes who can put up with cold, rain, dirty oily water and torrents of foul abuse from river boat pilots and tug-boat skippers. ("Jolly Boating Weather", my @rse!)
If you live in Manchester you need a good sense of humour, its what gets you through the day.
Al :D
Hey Col.
We must be cousins.
Stockport is on the Mersey.
Im sure I Piddled in it once or twice......:p
Al :rolleyes:
Just as long as we're not kissing cousins, cousin! :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
True but it's only a bit of a trickle that far upstream. It's bloody nearly five miles wide when it gets down to the bit where I came from.Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
Originally Posted by ozwinner
See! I said you were a bastard, didn't I? :eek:
Here's a bit of trivia for you. John Thaw, the actor who played Inspector Morse, Kavanagh and a bunch of other TV roles (bloody good actor, too), his Dad was in charge of the main locks on the Manchester Ship Canal.
I remember as a kid going on an excursition down the M/C ship canal and back.
I didnt piddle in the water on that trip.:p
Al :)
Hey! Col, Al, I remember that dock I was 10 when I came to OZ, lived in Speke, right next to the "old Liverpool" airport just out of Garsten, and remember my Mum taking us to Speke Hall. Dam'd! small world aint it!...:)
How do I post a Google Earth place into the forum?
Al :confused:
Like the gay cowboy??Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
:D :D :D
Yup............ Spiiiiiiiiitooooiwe.
Ya have a problem there Pilgrim???
Al :rolleyes:
Invaded by Poms. :D
What a shame I'm white, middle class and only speak english, or that could be misconstrude as a racial comment, and then I could take you to court and sue and get all your money, house, car and!..and!....Oh! I thought I was somebody else!:o ....What where we talking about?:confused: ....Quote:
Originally Posted by
savage(Eric) :D Ha!Ha!.....
Originally Posted by
Not for the first time, of course. You must be getting used to it by now? :D And anyway, Al, savage and me are the best kind: Northerners! When we say 'grass' it rhymes with 'crass', 'lass' and 'ass', not '@rse', 'parse' and 'farce'. When we say 'bluddy 'ell' it sounds like we mean it! :D
Ma Mam sed I'm from the best bleedin' breedin' stock an 'av nout t be ashamed of!.....:D
Scouse Gits....................
I was gonna do a Pm to see if we could get a big group of us going .....................BUT just bought Steve's Woodrat!!! DOH!!! theres always a price to pay:)Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
REgards lou
1. Post the lat/long.Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
2. Do File>save image from Google earth, and post the pic as per normal.
Goodies!? Flippin' 'eck: didn't know they were still kicking, but the $65 could buy some nice bits o' wood.
The Goodies? Silly, immature, full of mad poms. Must be why I liked it so much. Except for the last bit. Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad... ;)
And now, A walk in the Black Forest....
And that was a walk in the black forrest, you are listening to Radio Caroline.....
"Radio Caroline", an old barge anchored on the Mersy over Brighton way I think?.
No, mate. Radio Caroline was a ship, anchored just off the Isle of Man and just outside British territorial waters. This enabled the crew to broadcast pop and rock music (and commercials) 24/7 into the UK. Had they been inside British waters, they would have been contravening the broadcasting laws of the time.Quote:
Originally Posted by savage
They operated very successfully for a few years and built up a big following. Then the British government bowed to popular demand, changed the regs and the BBC started to broadcast pop and rock full time. This was the start of Radio One and a rash of smaller regional radio stations. Most of the DJs who had been working for Caroline (and a couple of other pirate stations) were employed by the Beeb to host their new music broadcasts.
See you there in my spurs, palooka...Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
Didn't some of the pirate stations also set up on some of the WW2 forts in the English Channel??
Ecky Thump?
My Mum made Black Pudding so black even the white bits were black............
Anyone have a Derek and Clive recording by any chance?
Well, I knew it was something like that, very controversial in the day, I was only 10 yrs old when brought to OZ, funny how I remember stuff like that but can't remember yesterday. Must be short term memory loss, can't wait till yesterday is history I might find my car keys!:confused: ...Ha!Ha!...Quote:
Originally Posted by Driver
Hey, that's my line!!!Quote:
My Mum made Black Pudding so black even the white bits were black......
Eric, Eric Olthwaite, King of Denley Moor.
The Goodies and Monty Python did come from the same roots (or is that Hoots?). I bet they kick themselves whenever they see Michael Palin drive past in his Porsche :D A bit like being the original Beatles drummer.
Iain - yes, I think you're right. However, that would have been down South, of course, and therefore of very little interest to us stalwart Northerners :cool: (That's how you pronounce Scouse Git where I come from, incidentally. Repeat after me: 'Stalwart Northerner').Quote:
Originally Posted by Iain