I thought that it's time for a new poll. So...
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I thought that it's time for a new poll. So...
Do you want to include the hiding out in the shed time in that too?
G'day Echnidna,
Strueth, I hadn't even put the poll up, but for you I included your 2cents. :D
Bloody shame it can't be more- would love to spend a few hours a day. Don't have time to get really good at anything.
All day, but how could I class it as work?
I get out there on a Sunday around 11am and 5 minutes later it's 5PM and time for dinner. No wonder i don't get anything done.
Einstein said travelling in space, close to the speed of light, alters time - he should have simply gone out to the garage and cut up some timber, that alters time too :rolleyes:
Which (or who's) shed?
Is there a fridge in the shed?
Is this a trick question?
Its not an easy question . The last 5 days I've been in the shed for 10 hours a day . Enjoying every minute even when I exposed my biscuit joints on the new cradle but thats another story . Yet with no motivation I can go days without spending over an hour . I am lucky . I designed and built my own house so to get to the workshop ( 100 square meters ) is only a matter of opening a door from the kitchen to get to the workshop fully equipted with T.V. and beer fridge .
call me computer illiterate , call me an idiot , but please tell me how to post a new thread .
you eat too early gumby, if im in the workshop i might not come out till real dinner time, around 9 or 10 pmQuote:
Originally Posted by Gumby
if einstein had been into cutting up timber he would never had the time to sit down and think about the theory of relativity, and we would probably have all been happierQuote:
Originally Posted by Gumby
When I work it's on-site, often installing the items I made while playing with the toys in my shed. 'Tis a good life... :)
As a rough guess I'd estimate I spend equal time in both situations... but a lot more of my shed time is spent looking for "that thing I had 5 mins ago." I really should spend a week or three cleaning it up... :o
Time passes to fast in the shed. Maybe it's because I am new to this game and I am still feeling my way around, but at least I am having fun!
If I had a shed, I'd be in it nearly every day, even if it was just to sit, have a coffee and enjoy my shed - ouch! OK I'm dreaming again....:(
Originally Posted by rick_rine
If you go down to the bottom of the page to "Forum Jump" and select the forum you want to post a thread in. When that forum comes up with the list of all the threads in it, up in the top left hand corner there is a button to click on "Post New Thread"
You must put a subject in otherwise it will spit you out until you put one in.
During the week, 2-3 hours per night.
During the weekend 10 or more hours per day.
Sheds are a sore point at the moment. Have been trying to get the slab poured for mine since last week but it keeps raining. Effing farmers and their effing rain dances.... We finally get a run of dry weather and the effing concreter has decided to do another job. So the anwer is I'd be happy if I had a effing shed to spend time in... :mad:
i dont go in every day - I have to work, when im in im there for 3-4 hrs on most weekends
Rick, you are computer illiterate and an idiot :DQuote:
Originally Posted by rick_rine
(well, somebody had to do it :rolleyes: )
Mine is now 19 months old & still doesn't have power. :mad:Quote:
Originally Posted by silentC
The rain stopped last week so the ditch digger says he will be out next week.. I bet I can't get the electrician for 6 months now.:rolleyes:
I'm with you Ruffly
Shed' what shed
Still, if you count all the time daydreaming about what I could do if I had one then that would be another thing
I'll keep dreamin
For the likes of you blokes and Rufflyrustic without a shed I put in garage, but then the likes of Soundman who reakons he works in a hole in the ground by the side of the road - so sorry guys, my heart bleds for you - just hope that those with a 15" thicknesser and a 10HB bleed likewise for me. :D
We used to dream of working in a hole by the side of the road.Quote:
Originally Posted by Waldo
I work inside rolled up newspaper out back of old shed. :)
G'day Gumby,
You're lucky, there are those that dream of even having more than 1 page of a newspaper and they cook and sleep under it too. :D
No wonder you tried to sell your SWMBO if you've been thrown out of your garage.
What's a newspaper?
Righto, I've done my work for the day if you want me I'll be in the shed knocking bits of wood together.
Originally Posted by Waldo
:( :p :cool: ;)
Well when i say newspaper, it were a newspaper to us. It were really a bit of used toilet paper with writing on it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Cliff Rogers
For me it really depends, some nights I'm down there 4 to 5 hours, then the next morning I'm back for 3 to 4 hours, other times I get so busy at the Liquor shop, I don't get down to the Dungeon for a whole week! (shame, I know!).
Toilet paper? What's a toilet paper? (used or otherwise.)
He he he Nike... just do it... go shopping!(go on SWMBO will only be mad for 12 months!)Quote:
Originally Posted by Waldo
And once you've got your equipment, make her something for the house she's always wanted, as quick as you can.Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry72
When I get my shed, I'll be building HWMBO a bar for his shed, I may even build it before I get my shed...... depends on when I need some bargaining points for another plan of mine....
(Dear God, please don't let it rain on Saturday between 8 am and 5 pm. I really need the wood time for a decent wood fix. Thank you, Amen)
When busy
2 - 3 hours each night during the week
Total 10 to 20 hours on Saturday and Sunday
When not so busy
1 hour each night during the week
Total 5 to 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday
Dear Mr Borer (and others!)you lucky buggers; don't you have a life?Quote:
Originally Posted by Wood Borer
My life just seems to revolve around reasons for not even getting to the shed. If it's not entertaining friends, it's being entertained, or inventing new projects to start. Each evening it's a new scribble, and piles of stuff pulled out onto the floor, bench or any other horizontal (or even near horizontal) surface.
Usually by the end of the week I've made so much mess pulling stuff out to see what I've got to work with, that I have to spend all Saturday putting it away so I can start the process again on Sunday.
Fortunately, having survived as a sole male in the household of four females, I have discovered that shopping can indeed compensate for any other shortcomings.
This week for instance, to assist in overcoming my disappointment at lack of quality shed time, I have ordered a few books and a REALLY big BU plane!
Now I do feel really good, but there's no box to tick on the poll!
:D :D :D
G'Day All,
I am lucky that I get to spend as much quality shed time as I wish, once the "house jobs" are done the rest of the day is mine. I guess it is a case of I'd go nuts if I did'nt get out there as I'm medically "retired" and it was totally unexpected, it gives me an intrest. The more time spent out in the shed the more of an obsession it is becoming, but I guess I could be doing worse things like some people do. My wifey doesn't mind as I'm only a cooee away. In hours, I reckon it would be in the range of 50+ over 7 days.