Usually I do,
When I have put it in a safe place!!@!!!
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Usually I do,
When I have put it in a safe place!!@!!!
Everything except my virginity :D
Yes. Not long after I have bought a replacement. :o
Yes, but that's the surest way of finding it. A bit like throwing something out ... you'll never need it till you do. :cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by DavidG
Or you find it with the mower.
Al has lost his mind. It's out back of the Craporium somewhere.
If I lose anything, I always find it the last place I look. :rolleyes:
Al :p
All of the above plus - When I'm not looking for it!
One would have to be worried if you found it in the second last place you looked.:DQuote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
I always find it in the first place I looked, but not until I calm down and look properly, usually the third look in that place. :o
I start looking in the last place first. Saves a lot of time that way.
I usually put the replacement part away next to the one I couldn't find and suffer the same problem next time.
I have several for sale if anyone is interested...................if I can find them
I lost my mind some time ago. I blame the dog and am convinced he's hiding it somewhere but I can't get any sense out of him. At the moment, I have a time share arrangement with the cat, which isn't bad except for the desire to curl up in the sun and chase mice :rolleyes:
The only thing I can't seem to lose is weight
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
We used to send naughty kids down to the woodwork teacher for a long wait, or a left handed screwdriver or other vain attempts at humour. That was before the general public lost their sense of humour and introduced accountability.
Very much as Ian said. After I've bought a replacement, then I usually have 2 that I cannot find, which soon becomes 3.........4..........5........I can open up a shop with some stock I if I can only find them..............:o
Normally the things I loose turn out to be in my pockets, on my head or tucked in above my ear.......and spend hours looking for them ,,,,well it feels like hours...... :o
If anything I lost eneded up on my head, it would stick out like dogs........ :(
You are more than welcome to some of mine to lose :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Ashore
I used to buy a roll of thread tape along withn a Nitto fitting every time I got a new pneumatic tool, or did some plumbing because I could never find any when it was needed. I had a big tidy up a few years ago and started building shelving and storage. I found about 30 rolls of thread tape and am still working my way through it all. I won't need to buy any for another year or two. :oQuote:
Originally Posted by gatiep
Mick the hoarder
Send me your excess weight.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ashore
No matter what, I cant put on weight.
I can eat Greasy Joes for ever, and not put on one ounce!!
I can drink with the best of them, and not put on one ounce!!
I can, and do, work out laying bricks, and I dont loose any weight.
Ive been this way for ever, maybe I should donate me self to science??
Al :confused:
I THOUGHT I solved the lost item problem, I got a shoe box and marked it "A SAFE PLACE" with a view of putting valuable stuff there so I would know where it was in the future..... BUT now I can not find the box :o :o
LMAO. :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Brudda
You cant be trying too hard
Al :D
AL, you lucky so and so, you can have my excess weight too. Once I was a skinny little twig, but started working in an office 16 years ago, eating to much, drinking to much and minimal exercise, I am now the size of a Boab . . . :(
I find things either immediately or several hours later after throwing a tanty, causing the dogs to run and hide and me to get on the idiot box and kill monsters till I calm down. . . enough to launch a search and destroy mission :D
Several months later after the dog has jumped onto one of the workbenches .
She hides the toll in the yard after she has chewed a non slip finish into the handle. By the time I find it I have usully purchased .
She will not touch cheap tools only going for quality gear.
Workshop guard dog available
going cheap
Grahame Collins
I have a mate in Townsville like that. He has type 1 diabetes though.Quote:
Originally Posted by ozwinner
My guess is that, (not knowing anything about diabetes) his body uses the fat before the sugar?
Maybe you're developing youth onset diabetes?:confused: