I posted this in the Drivel thread, but for those who don't venture into the ice cave.
Mrs. Waldo isn't doing very well. :( and she's been admitted into the Royal Women's Hospital on Wednesday 08/08/07.
She had a scan on Monday and her cervix had shortened to 28mm, had her 19 week scan on Wednesday and she'd shortened to 15mm which meant panic stations. She's is now in hospital on medication to stop any more shortening with a scan on Monday to see what's changed.
She may be having one of two cervic sutures to stop things going from really bad to horribly terrible (it'd be off the ricter scale in a worst case senario) we'd lose the little person.
MIl is down here as of yesterday helping me look after my little treasure. So it's a juggle between work, wife and little daughter.
Best case sencario is they'll let Kylie out of hospital after a. cervix suture has been done and she's had a few days rest, or b. the medication has worked and she can come home.
scenario c. she has to stay in hospital until the little person pops into the world. Either way it'll be another Premmie, and we're told in Kylie's case that women haven't gone past 34 weeks - trouble is Kylie is 20 weeks, 4 weeks off when she went into hospital last time and 8 weeks off when Sarah came into the world.