How about an IQ test then?
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That's quite clever, Cliff. :2tsup:
Truthfully, I'm not really opposed to IQ tests as such. Most psychologists have a good understanding of their shortfalls as a means of measuring intrinsic intelligence. They are indicative of where a person in Western society stands in relation to others with the same educational and cultural backgrounds and so on. I think that as a means of testing people so that their particular interests might be identified (i.e., they did well at maths in the test: or they did well in the spatial component) so that they might be guided to a suitable career.
But it annoys the hell out of me when people start using them as a means of lording it over other people. That type of intellectual snobbery is not only damaging and repressive for some members of our society, it's also a pointer to a strongly delusional sense of self on the part of the perpetrator.
How much of a problem do you really think that is? I don't know too many people who would actually know what their IQ is. I don't know mine. Have you come across many people who flaunt it the way you suggest?
I once had 2 hair cuts together and got a bottle of shampoo for free. I thought that was pretty clever. :think: