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Please make good use of it :;:2tsup::2tsup:
Hexagonal box made from (I think) Jarrah and Huon pine.
Thanks to the ladies at the Gifkins stand for pulling it out and allowing me to photograph it while they were so busy :2tsup: .
Well done to those on the stand, welcome to the new members and sorry I didn't have more time to spend with you all on Friday and Saturday but I had other duties.
Attended my first WWS Friday and today and came
away with plenty of goodies.
However, the unexpected highlight was a PM from
"Gra" asking me to call at the Forum stand as he had
left something for me. I initially thought, "Great,
someone has handed in a key on a green tag which
I lost somewhere on Friday. No, it would not be
that as there was no identification on it".
I met "Scooter" (Sean) at the stand and introduced
myself to "Groggy" where he said, "I have something
for you left by Gra"
Imagine my surprise when I saw it. (See photo attached).
Thanks Gra, now watch the Jokes Forum for months
to come ... you can take the blame for them:2tsup:
At the same stand I met David Mitchell (Forumite from
Ararat) and took him to meet David Mitchell, our President
of Eltham Woodturning Club who was just 20 metres away
selling raffle tickets for the CWC. They had heard of
each other but never met.
What? No pen pix? :scareboo:
This stand was next to ours and had some very nice products. The clamps and the guide have been described before by Lignum but I thought a few pics may interest some (I'd love to own those clamps - drool)
My wife really does not like you guys:D A low angle smoother and a skew block plane cracked her composure. I give LN full marks for their stand - very simple and functional. Simple signage and lots of planes - yum :2tsup: . I had a great play, ahem, err, functional test, of the assembled planes, but I really struggled with the #8. Unfortunately they managed to wrestle it back from me :wink:. I always enjoy their stand and this year was no exception.
Colen Clenton
Two or three shows ago I bought a 4" square. It has always been a very good tool but I made the mistake of getting one size too small. I also found the handle a touch too wide in use. I should have got a 6" with a narrower blade and handle. Speaking to the lady on the stand, I mentioned this and she said "bring it in and we'll replace it". My jaw dropped and I explained it was over two years old, had performed flawlessly and I was not expecting a replacement - in fact I was going to get the price of a larger square. She insisted I bring it in so I did, the next day.
I spoke to Colen this time and he took a lot of time with me to go through what I wanted. Since I was after a six inch and not a 4" to replace it I gave him the difference of a new 4" and 6" - about $30. I felt like I was cheating him :- .
I have to say that this was the highlight of the show for me and I can't recommend Colen's products or service highly enough.
Six thumbs up from me :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:
HNT Gordon
Next year Terry, I didn't have any of the necessary left after LN and Colens visits :-
Chris Vesper Tools
I think it must be an age thing. I must have gone past Chris's stand 20 times during the three days and didn't notice it until after the show when we were packing up. I managed to get a last minute order in though :).
The vendors I spoke to said they were very happy with the show this year. It was not overcrowded and there were more buyers and less tire kickers.
The Forum Stand
We had a constant stream of people over three days. Most ran away when we waved a yellow flyer at them, thinking we were hari krishnas or something I guess. After a while we put up big signs saying FREE and they proved a little less flighty. Distrustful buggers though :roll: . It will be interesting to see how many new members appear over the next few weeks from the Melbourne area.
It has been a fun weekend but I'm glad it's over. Once again, thanks for all the help given to me to set up, run and remove the stand.
Hey Groggy,
Congratulations go to you for your tireless effort of manning the stand pretty much continuously for 3 days.
Well done and thanks for letting me be a small part of it.
Also, many sincere thanks to Neil for making it all possible.
It was great to see the camraderie and enthusiasm of members and the acceptance of most who passed by. Most people couldn't believe they could have all of this information and fun for free. Maybe there is such a thing as a free lunch.
More power to the forum and next year lets try to take more load off groggy.