Timothy McVeigh apparently...... damn another theory bites the dust:)
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What, is no-one gong to argue? Come on!! Hiroshima was a terroist act: discuss.
See - he became an agnostic, but I bet he wasn't one when he blew that building up :)Quote:
In a recorded interview with Time Magazine he professed his belief in "a God", though he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "never really picked it [back] up." The Guardian reported that McVeigh wrote a letter claiming to be an agnostic, though his execution included a Roman Catholic ceremony.
That is a special type of terrorism known as State terrorism.
If the bombing of Hiroshima etc was a "terrorist act" I guess you would class the murder,rape, decapitation,vivisection,medical experimentation and other assorted niceties committed by the Japanese against Chinese civilians as acts of kindness.
so back to my first comment on this thread... valid? Discuss! :D
Why? What an odd thing to say.
Here is the definition of a terrorist act in summary:
1. It involves violence
2. It is intended to have a Psychological impact
3. It is perpetrated for a political goal
4. It deliberately targets non-combatants
There is a 5th which is added in legislation to differentiate between what they are trying to target, and acts of war like bombing of civilian areas: the act is unlawful or not carried out by a legitimate government.
However, the term originates from the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution and the perpetrators were very much legitimate government agents.
Some people believe the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were war crimes. I'm not arguing that, but acts of terror, most definitely by strict definition. Not making any comment on whether or not they were warranted. I kind of think that blowing up hundreds of thousands of ordinary people is a bad thing and to be avoided. I know that the chief argument is that it brought the war to an early end, and therefore probably saved lives. Tough one.
But this is not my point. I am just trying to point out that terrorism has nothing to do with religion and has been used as a serious political strategy in the past.
And BM passes his Ethics in warfare exam on a technicality...