and Gerald Fitzpatrick (the Irish gay couple)
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and Gerald Fitzpatrick (the Irish gay couple)
What a tailto tell!
Fairy tail!
Ooh La La What a PARADE
gay mardi gras gay.... huh, SAD.
sad sack of spuds
What r u holden?
just some bills i cannot afford
then cut em into CHEVrons
How Ferrari do you have to Dodge before you are called a Rover?
Rolls to become Reliant. For Chryslers sake!
oh for a sunbeam on these cold days
Run up a Hillman to get warm.
or Humber a tune about a Valiant little Blue Bird, Datson a branch Singering zoom, zoom, zoom.......
Eunos nothing....
and Stanley Steamers along
whilst Studying (Studybakering) the wildlife in the carpark. A Lark a Hawk a Cobera a Jaguar a Stingray a couple of wild Mustangs a Thunderbird a Firebird......... and a partridge in a pear tree.
and when TOYotaScome out you need to be VALIANT to play with them
I was pervin at Ms Cooper in 'er Mini when I got busted my Major Morris
who was passing by with his son, Morris Minor...
Automobiles... (geez for a mintue there I thought I was in the 'Woodies Yarn' thread)
Bloody petrol heads!
Like any gas burbler ...they all go off
Think they are Elite
and always chewing gum
What flavour Salmon,Ghost,River,White,Syney Blue,Tasmanian Blue the list goes on.
Stop mucking about and get WRIGLEY on or we'll never get there.
WRIGLEY!.....Did someone mention FISHING?
Shark,fly, or by REX
with a wooden rod (woodworking content)for baramundi
Using a Skew either right or left handed
makes it go askewand dig in
I ask you!
Not for Money...or