BigShed asked in another thread so I thought I should update things.
Kylie had a scan on Monday and the suture is doing it's job as her cervix has lengthened by 10mm to 25mm, so that's some good news. Fluid wise she's in the higher end of normal, sort of ok, but scary.
Wednesday she had her appointment with the gynocologist - it'll be lucky is she makes 30 weeks, she may be in hospital soon for pain management which is making her days other than comfortable. The gynacologist will be happy if she makes 24 weeks, it'll then be a viable baby :( The other thing is she's the size of 24 weel pregnant woman, that was last week at 20 weeks (tomorrow she's 21 weeks)
Her days are basically lying down or sitting for short periods, at least she's home for that rather than in a hospital bed with her Mum to look afer her.
It's a long road yet and although we've been there before it's nonetheless scary, in ways more than last time.
Hopefully she can hang in a lot longer yet as when she's admitted to hospital next it'll be until the birth. That's the plan anyway.