That sounds like a newer version than my jamb tin and string Mark II :q
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I was forced to upgrade my perfectly functional Jam Tin and String Mark I a couple of years ago when the internet banking app refused to run anymore. Worse than that it also stopped running on my Samsung 7.7" Wifi only tablet (Android 3.2 that I used far more frequently than the phone) after it had an upgrade that required the app to run on a phone with a sim card!
If they can use this technology in a drone, they could also use it at the entrance of shopping centres, sports stadiums and anywhere else that people gather. A '''pandemic drone''' and other technology could help limit the spread of coronavirus and ease restrictions sooner, but at what cost? - ABC News
I've been doing a good deal of gardening recently. Its a communal building, but they enjoy that its kept neat.
I bought and wear a Vietnamese "Non La" hat. It was only $15 delivered and the hand made quality is absolutely outstanding. I bought two.
Its absolutely fantastic - completely brilliant for Oz. Over the summer its been double-excellent! Kept me free of the sun, being burnt and (reasonably) cool (for the 43° days).
On another matter, and this might upset some people, but I also bought a ball bearing shanghai and a South African "Sjambok". Simple is better is troubling times.
Sci-fi often has stories of these tracking drones. Simple things overcome their ability to read them. A HAT is one of them. Simple black clothing...
A broad hat is a very sensible thing to have on in Australia considering the UV, sunburn, skin cancer and the sun... don't you think?
The very first thing that popped into my head(hope the thought police were not around)
Was 1984 by George Orwell.
It may not happen in my life time,but that technology in the wrong hands(Chinese communist party plus others)
I would be a recking ball to modern society.
Cheers Matt.
The PM has been "dangling the carrot" of lifting more COVOD19 restrictions if we download the App. :yucky::puke:
What about people who think the lifting of existing restrictions are going a bit too fast?
Doesn't this give these people another reason not to download it.
What about those who want the freedoms but not the app, they can just down load the App but not run it.
Too many ins, outs, sideways and verticals involved, not to mention treating Australians like preschoolers.
I got told Yesterday, I think it was, that the app has been automatically put on your phone.
If you got to settings, then under health I think it was, the app is there. Can confirm the details on Monday if I'm wrong.
This apparently only applies to the fancy smart type phones.
Big brother is watching where and who you associate with!!!!!
I seriously doubt IT - if so this would be all over the media AND in in courts faster than COVID19 .
Don't know about the latest Vic cases but up until last Sunday the App has apparently not revealed any contacts that was not picked up by conventional means. Just listening to Norman Swan's take and he reckons the App should start to be more useful in the Vic situation.
You are correct. It is there.
Is is under Google Settings. All you have to do is ïnstall it or finish setting up a participating app. That it is not already running is probably delusional.
Not happy about this. Not one # bit.
No App has been installed - all that has been added is the OS requirements to be able to install and run the Android/Apple COVID tracking App.
Have Apple And Google Uploaded A COVID-19 Tracking App To Your Phone? The Facts Behind The Furor
You still have to download and activate the app.
FWIW it's not the same app as the Aust Govt App as it puts you in charge of your own data - no-one - not even you, can see who you have been in contact with.
Even if the authorities confiscate your phone they cannot see the contacts and there's no central data repository of the contacts and all of your old contacts get wiped after 14 days.
It's designed so that if you become infected, you can decide if you want to automatically anonymously notify your contacts (which you cannot see).
It does not notify the contacts who it was that sent them the message, just tells them they have been in contact with a "known" infected.
Now all I can see is a chance to make mischief.
After every time someone takes a long trip on public transport they can fire off the contact list the app has acquired and cause dozens of people to become concerned and go and get tested unnecessarily.
Bob has adequately debunked this so I won't go into that any further.
Unfortunately the internet (read as, social media) is full of people whose lives are so pitiful that the only jollies they get in life is making stuff up and winding other people up.
If you see something on the internet and you are not certain if it is real; you're probably right.