Originally Posted by
It has worked because a person who was suspected of involvement in a terrorist act was taken into custody, the case investigated, he was charged and then the matter reviewed and the charges dropped he was released. The laws were introduced for just this type of incident where the police need time to investigate a case against someone when there is a fear that to not do so may result in the deaths of many by a terrorist act. The guilt or innocence is not for the investigators to decide but whether there is a case to answer.
No dazzler remember - they (the investigators) had charged him of providing support to a terrorist organisation (which was dropped due to insufficient evidence). Thus he HAD to prove he was innocentI wonder if you would be so happy about the process if YOU had been the VICTIM of this stuff up?
As for his visa cancellation, what I have suggested is that the evidence / intel that brought him to notice in the first place (pass alert at the airport) is the reason for his visa cancellation and this does not need to be to the level of belief but of suspicion. And by the way, if they wanted him out of the country they would not have detained him in the first place but cancelled his visa while he was away.
Finally three things;
1. I have saved three lives (got no idea how that is important but it seems to be some how )
2. No I have never met the dr and I am sure he is delightful, quietly spoken and polite. So is our dear friend Osama if you take the time to study his early interview . Nice people do bad things sometimes. Niceness does not prevent investigation.
3. I am not making aspersions on the dr's character, simply outlining how/why I think the matter progressed the way it did.
4. Cornelia was a stuff up by the immigration dept who had a culture that was disgraceful and treated anyone from OS with suspicion. The dept has been overhauled and the culture has definately changed. (Means nada here)
5. Kids overboard was a disgrace. (Ditto)
6. WMD was a disgrace. (Ditto)
7. Dont ya think the SMH or today tonight might just be able to find him when he arrives in India to report his story?
Dazzler that is 7 (seven) things mate - you must have worked for this government's treasury department at sometime:wink:.
Perhaps you could explain how the matter should have been handled?
I don't have to. The Australian Council for civil Liberties will tell you for me -
The Australian Council for Civil Liberties said it would make a public interest complaint to the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity about the handling of the Haneef case by the AFP, Director of Public Prosecutions and the immigration department.
The group's president Terry O'Gorman said the integrity commissioner should investigate whether there had been an abuse of office.
“To leave the investigation of what went wrong to internal closed reviews by the AFP and the DPP respectively will lead to the inevitable cynicism which flows from law enforcement agencies and public prosecutors conducting inquiries into themselves,” Mr O'Gorman said.
Anyway we will be able to find out his side of the story tonight on 60 minutes who are paying him $150,000 for the interview. Which I dare say will be the stake that killed our inept PM and show his sub commanders as being the spineless people they are
cheers dazzler