astral travel, global warming and communication
The study of science in its many disciplines is quite difficult. Many use their 'common sense' to make sense of the world, not a 3-5 years intensive university study, so communicating between those with knowledge and those with belief is a major problem.
My wife seriously believes that a close friend of hers astral travels. My smart a... comments that it must save on airfares falls very flat, so we don't go there any more.
There are many who seriously believe vaccination is evil and some global plot, those who think fluoride is a monster element and those who believe that the moon landings were a CIA fraud. And the internet allows anyone with basic computer skills to find like minded believers to reinforce their beliefs.
So why is there such a gap between knowledge and belief?
Part of the problem is that scientists are poor communicators, (as are many politicians).
Charismatic leaders who can communicate are rare and usually end up in the exotic spectrum.
We hate being hectored, (it all started with mum), we hate being lectured to, we don't like smart people (unless they be doctors and our health is an issue), we don't like being spoken down to and as we age, our prejudices and beliefs become stronger and we are less likely to listen.
Take climate change. Most of us accept that climate change is a real possibility, but as to it being the most serious matter affecting mankind........, we basically say " tell that to the Syrians or the Tibetans", then as we listen to the condescending zealots who tell us, the 'great unwashed', how stupid we are...... we say "get stuffed" and we revel in our dismissal of their thinking.
Sceptics also suffer from zealotry, they preach to the converted and haven't yet worked out how to sell, not preach.
Communication and education is the only way forward.
This matter of water divination ('divine' is a separate subject) is not a life threatening matter, so we can have a general discussion to no real end....., but there are serious matters of life and death where knowledge and belief are combatants.......
So what?
Please use reputable bodies such as the CSIRO or universities to guide your thinking. don't be lazy in research, don't accept those with similar thinking on the internet as wise, consider the thoughts of others, use scientific knowledge to assist and if you want to use your common sense..... fine, but also be a little wary of your own conclusions and be prepared to accept you may be wrong.
Damn...... now I'm preaching as well......