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Have lots of pictures ....but....
The laptop in use does not want to read the SD card soooo, tonight the pics will go up.
Alt. respirator: Trend, stocked by Carbatec:
I use it and find it comfortable and not restrictive.
Thanks to all who replied.
Picked up up the Triton Power Respirator.
Made a contact to get the other fixed so I'll have a spare.
My Bunnings wasn't selling it any more.
But another Bunnies did, but was but out of stock.
$198 at the show.
They told me it was half price.
Stopped by the UBeaut stand twice but everyone was deep in conversation.
The clean shaven faces really thru me off.
Picked up a few bits n pieces to get me motivated with the Gifkin again.
Even got a wave from Stu at the Triton demo.
All my best to all.
Any critisims good and bad ? Anyone grab what they think is a bargain?
Tell us what you think !
I'm going Sunday morn to avoid the crush.
General pictures of the show prior to opening Sat 13th Oct 07
Just a few of the forumites at the stand.
L-R: GRA, MugWoody, John Saxton, thumbsucker, BennyLaird, nt900
The second pic is of a little dog plugged into the laptop. Those who went to the stand will know what it was all about, for others it will remain a mystery. Suffice to say it attracted many people to the table :wink: :D.
:2tsup: Groggy thanks for the pics I can't believe the room to move having being to Hordon Pavillion its often a tight squeeze
Many a bloke dodging the handle bars at the back of the chair otherwise it brings:C to their eyes.
Now bet your photo out of focus of the Triton Stand was done on purpose:rolleyes:
The photos of everything else are great but where are the photos of the Woodwork Forums Stand?!