My heart goes out to you mate.
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My heart goes out to you mate.
You will be in our thoughts, Waldo. My wife carried our daugter almost to term with two cervical sutures in, after a first pregnancy like you guys had. I hope that Kylie can go the distance too this time.
Thinking of you, Kylie & Sarah, & hoping all goes well.
Sounds like things are progressing well, hopefully the scan tomorrow is all clear
Hang in there! Literally.
All good thoughts,
One more sleep and hopefully tomorrow's scan gives the all-clear for Kylie to come home.
Watson, Dj, Ian, Alex, Gregoryq, Priemsy, Rob, Al, Cliff, Stuart, Groggy, Simomatra, Watson and Fred, thanks all for your posts. I'm sue too that things will turn out Ok, it's just the hurdles along the way that give the grief.
I keep getting told that blokes have it easy and the hardest thing I'll ever have to do is sitting on the loo. :U , she's forgetting though the dangers that lurk in sheds :D
Went in to day to see her and thankfully my little girl was her normal self and was happy to see Kylie, her last visit Sarah was a bit distant towards Kylie, possibly because her mummy was in a wierd place or something :shrug: but today she was up to her usual laughing and cheeky self (I love being a Dad :2tsup: )
Kylie's scan is at 10:50, hopefully it's "nick off and go home' :2tsup: Kylie isn't thinking postitive or otherwise regarding tomorrow, in case it's more time in hospital - which is fair enough.
Dunno what to say other than I hope Mrs. Waldo is on the way/is home when you read this. :2tsup: :2tsup:
Seems not so long ago that Kylie was having similar troubles and we were waiting over here hoping that everything went ok and also waiting for our own little bundle of joy (translates as terror) to arrive.
Not much has changed this time around it seems... :whistling:
Waldo, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your wife!! :2tsup:
Mate Iam sitting having just found this sobbing like a soft ole grandad. Prayers are with you guys keep us informed please.
Hey Waldo, Thinking of you all. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well 10:50 came and went this morning with no show of a wheelchair to get Kylie down for a scan, the reason being one of the doctors in the department didn't show up for work :~ so long delays were the order of the morning. 2 hours later her doctor who was to do Kylie's scan comes up and says sorry, she got through all the other peoples scans but she couldn't do Kylie's as the scan gizmo was on the bunk. :? She could do the others but not Kylie's, whathehell? So it was, "sorry we'll have to do your's tomorrow when the machine is working and then you can go home"
I wasn't too happy and Kylie was trying to keep me under control. They knew she needed a scan as a matter of priority, so why not move her up the list :? and that she was waiting to get home.
About 1:00 her gynocologist came up (top woman she is :2tsup: ) and said she'd be happy if Kylie wanted to go home and come back tomorrow morning for the scan. But Kylie thought the travel with sitting up in a car for 3/4 hour each way would be too much etc., so she chose to stay another night and face the pitiful excuse they call tea.
Her coming home isn't a given, but hopefully it's a yes.
Schtoo, I was flicking through my phone as I was with Kylie and found a photo of MIL sitting next to Kylie in Feances Perry almost 2 years ago and commented that it only felt like yesterday.
Thanks Tonto, Stu and Wendy.If we hadn't been through this before it would be much harder. Having gone through it before we're sort of more aware of all the pitfalls, still doesn't make it any easier.
G'day Waldo,
All the best big fellas but I'm sure she will be right. If history is anything to go on Viking women where actually tougher than the men:U
I hope it works out well for you mate. The consolation is that the docs in those sorts of places are among the best going around. Its good to see they spend the effort at the right end of the life cycle.
Sincerest Good luck to you all.
only just saw this. I sincerely hope it will go well with Kylie and the new family member. Keep your head up.
Best regards and wishes for the situation.