Thanks for the info Glen, I'll be looking into it a bit further!
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Strewth, Glenn, looks like a slippery slope :o
Love the idea, & had planned to get a TV card when we bought this computer earlier this year, but bugger all spare $ to splash around so ended up going with a M/B with onboard graphics & no TV. Have an 80 gig HDD & DVD burner so could probably get by on that front.
Might keep an eye out for a 2nd hand / superseded graphics/tv card. Needs to have directx 9 you say? What's the DVI output?
Keep it on a slow burn I think. :)
Cheers for the info..............Sean
Slippery slope most hobbies are.
DVI output is a digital output from the video card. Typically you get VGA which is the standard analogue signal which goes to your monitor, a S-VHS which is analogue out used to connect to a standard analogue TV. Then there is DVI which is the newer digital output. I use it to send the output to a projector (as well as S-VHS to a normal TV)
Depends on what you want to see the image on as to what output to. If you just want to view on a normal TV, then a ATI9250 with a S-VHS out can be got second hand for no more than $30 I'd think. The NVidia equivalent should be around the same if you swing that way. This assumes your MB has a (spare) AGP slot. If you have no AGP or PCIE slot you may be in trouble.
Word of caution on the Digital TV card. Not all are created equal. Make sure that your choice of software will support the card. There are plenty good brands available in Aus. Dvico, Hauppage Nova-T to name a few. Ultraview are rebranded DVICO's and are a good buy as well.
Excuse me fellas back to the thread for a second (dont worry I wont be long)
Flowboy, for some reason whenever I think of the advertising creatives I picture a group of people huddled around a table snorting coke and saying things like .. Hey yeahhhh and why dont we have this genie appear and offer her a never ending box of timtams.... yeah wow great man! snort..
Ads are for breaks, to go relieve yourself, to go get something. But I'm sure they're getting longer, especially that infuriating trend to rerun the same ad in the same &^^# break...even back-to-back!!:mad: Ad execs, or whatever these creative types are called, should be strung up, alongside bank CEO's. They can talk profit together for eternity!!:D
Here's a thought: do you reckon they have advertising on North Korean Central TV?
Of course they do.. and as I am assuming they don't watch a lot of stuff from USA, UK or OZ they get so bored with reruns of local programs or propoganda screened as propoganda rather than drama the scientists and politicians got so bored they came up with a new form of reality TV. Instead of The Amazing Race they have "the Amazing Nuclear Race" big brother is "Big Brother is watching" (evictions are terminal though) and survivour is "Fallout Survivour". I beleive however they do get neighbours and home and away and according to secret reports there are plans for thermonuclear blasts for both Ramsey street and Summer Bay - Apperently the United Nations have declared the destruction of both is deemed community service rather than an act of War or terrorism
-- enough with the hijack already what's the topic again?
Actually, it was a rhetorical question to highlight the fact that what we have is better than the alternative.
OK, there are a couple of other alternatives we could have, we have two examples of one of them already but SBS is rapidly becoming a commercial network and the ABC will go that way too.
In NK, they get to watch documentaries about their glorious leader all day. Well, not all day because the station doesn't run all day. And not everyone has access to a TV anyway.
So I suppose advertising is the price we have to pay for a 'free' media. Well, relatively free anyway. At least there's some balance to Johnnie's propaganda. Imagine if the only channel we had was fully funded by the government?