OK, I confess, my first beer was a warm Fosters. I pinched one from my Uncle and hid it in the shed. I also drank KB once. You have to experiment when you're young :rolleyes:
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OK, I confess, my first beer was a warm Fosters. I pinched one from my Uncle and hid it in the shed. I also drank KB once. You have to experiment when you're young :rolleyes:
KB = Kid's Beer. You drank it at the right time. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by silentC
I'll have to agree with the concensus, never touch Fosters...who does actually drink the stuff?!
Many years ago when I was leaving WA and moving east, Adelaide being first port of call, my dad pulled me aside and cautioned me about always carrying a big stick into the pubs there. Jeez, I thought, must be a rough place, a bit like Fremantle was! No he replied, that's to poke the Southwark down with!!:D
Coopers sparkling or Cascade are my preferred, but only when I'm rich.
The beers made by the Trappist monks in belgium are amazing. (But you can't drink them cold like a lager). They use a bunch of different malts and the yeast they have been cultivating for 100 years. All natural, bottle conditioned and the strong one is 9%abv.Quote:
Originally Posted by silentC
I'm also convinced of that but am never able to justify the expense of buying it to do a blind test against the other swill.Quote:
Originally Posted by craigb
Matilda Bay in WA make good beer. Their Premium lager is now called Bohemian Pilsner and I'm very partial to a drop.
Cept I'm at uni and dont get home till next week .http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com...cons/icon8.gif
Seems to me none of you lot have been thirsty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mate I'd drink my own urine filtered through one of my socks before I let any of that stuff in the blue can pass my lips :D
Nah, i'd drink the blue stuff rather then your pi55. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by silentC
Yeah, you're probably right, my socks do get pretty smelly....
Funny tho, Fosters used to be OK. When I was at school in the UK, Barry McKenzie was an icon, and we used to drink gallons of the stuff. Talk about legless, being used to illicit chug a lugs of British beer (in the South its about 1.5% alcohol) consuming 5 pints whilst no-one was looking, didn't the 6% Fosters knock us around.
If the Empire wasn't aleady lost it would have gone straight down the gurgler once we hit the career path.
That's the point. It's popular all over the world - except for here. I don't know anyone who likes the stuff. People overseas think it's what Australians drink - but we don't.
Never touch it was my vote. It was a hit when it came out but didn't last long - maybe because those who liked it were drunk at the time and didn't know what they were drinking or couldn't tell the difference from that and the stuff in the urinals.
But I used to hate the smell of XXXX as a kid, but now like the stuff - so what do I know?
Corona and my Home brew!....
Nah, I rate Corona and Guiness like Fosters sorry. In no order, Tooheys New, VB, XXXX Gold, Cascade Premium and Boags.
Some of my clients will be getting a case of this for Christmas:
http://www.blowfly.com.au/ with a customised label on it. :o You drink it, it's beer.**You get*drunk, fall over,*pass out*and then mozy on out of town.*
No, can't go there. Any beer you have to add lemon to it, to give it flavour isn't for me. Same goes for Redback. Actually, wheat beets aren't for me either.Quote:
It's interesting how Australia's collective beer tastes have changed. When I was a boy growing up on the beaches of Perth, I used to drink Emu Bitter and think it was the bees knees. Now I think it is just OK. I was into quantity back then not quality. I'd much rather have 1 good beer than 2 ordinary ones.
Whats "Lemon"??....:confused: :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Grunt