:eek: What's That ?
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:eek: What's That ?
:eek: What the?
Magnifying Glass or Microscope??????;)
F-CK I missed U
I've heard (herd) that if you push their head through the fence it helps. Probably the last time you'll say F*ck I missed ewe.
New Zealand
F*ck I miss the other 8 fingers I used to have. :( Oh well.
Brown good drop:p
Yes Doorstop, changed from Prozac to Zoloft and now I really see the world from a diferent angle.
Ra.... ta.... tat.....tat.........:D
Oh, well... better late than never.......:(
Fully automatic nail-gun!!!!! Yee-Ha!!
Roberts .500 Magnum for the really dificult nailing tasks!
Stanley...Brad Gun
professor plum
Plum(b) bob......................:rolleyes:
Bob down and .............
Ben Dover :eek: - A line that is often heard in stir.
Phil McRevice:eek:
They sound like the two english gentlemen...
Ben Down and Phillip Mecrack
She must use toilet
this discussion seems to be heading for the sewage treatment works at Bondi.
Beach! What a nice Pair :cool:
2x4 (good size for hitting things)
4x4, out among the trees
Gum Trees! (where's my chainsaw)
Hanging around till Gum Leaves
(Just had to steal a line from a golden oldie)
Eucalyptus Oil
clears the head!
Ouch! Headache
Panadol and Pot coctail.
DOPE and dis means yous!!!
I got a mate called "Opium", he's a slow working dope.
Soap on a rope!
means more socks and jocks :(
Or a trip to....... Bunnings!!!!! YeeeHa.