The Qld govt realises that instead of warning *all* people of *some* dangers, it's much more effective to target the warnings at a more 'select' group of the population :D
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The Qld govt realises that instead of warning *all* people of *some* dangers, it's much more effective to target the warnings at a more 'select' group of the population :D
Just up the road from Cliff's apparently!
The Qld govt realises that instead of warning *all* people of *some* dangers, it's much more effective to warn of the dangers of a 'select' group of the population :D
Here's a nice soppy one for you
That was fun!!!
Now, what's the 6th deadly sin???
"If I cut this little bit off and stick it in the gap down the bottom, I'll be "six!":p.
after I finish this cake I'll tell Dad I'm really 6
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssseeeeeeeeeee :D
But I don't want to be a fairy, I always wanted to be a Lumberjack....
:Yeah, yeah, so you've made me a cake. Now, WHERE IS MY PRESENT!!!"
Hurry up and take the photo! My cheeks are hurting! :C
That's five boys down, when will mum buy me a belt to notch instead of these cakes?
Sorry guys - been off cycling with the family on Canberra for the weekend. Lemme go find a pic...