Originally Posted by soundman
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Originally Posted by soundman
If you go for the blow in insulation option use Bradfoerd Insulations granulated rock wool insulation. It is better for sound insulation.
Don't use cellelous fibre. It is just chopped up newspaper and is treated with borax which leaches out and it becomes highly inflammable.
Go with the plaster job, even if you rip the existing stuff off & replace it.
All the foams break down with time - the cans last a few years, the 2-part stuff lasts longer - say 10-15 years - but it too collapses eventually. And it burns, which doesn't kill you - but the fumes it gives off while burning do!
there is a plasterboard used just for soundproofing. Id phone my soninlaw [hes a giprocker but I'll bet he's making the same noises ...hells bells so should I istead of being here 25 years married to this crazy bird who wants to share MY bed each nite
Yeah but isn't it amazing their idea of 'share' :rolleyes:Quote:
Originally Posted by Tonto
IE: not 50:50, more like 75:25 or 80:20 even if it's cold.
The cold nights aren't too bad, til you get pushed out of bed....
The hot nights are a different story...
One hot night, I got up, took my pillow & walked around the bed &
got in the other side. I got a good night's sleep after that. :D
we DO understand sharing ..."whats yours is mine and what's mines me own" ... works for me :D
I have this vague recollection that the marriage ceremony talks about the guy endowing her with all his worldly goods ... fortunately we now get to scrub the bit about her obeying :D
I think the plasterboard mentioned is CSR Soundchek.
As mentioned, it may be worth trying more soft furnishings in the room (king size bed anyone? :eek: ) such as a wall hanging or partition between the computer desk and the adjoining wall. Also a pad under the keyboard may help if the sound is resonating through the desk. Unsure if a pad may help under the bed... :confused: :p