Hi Shane/Dingo. Sounds like you really been through the ringer. Thinking of you. Look after yourself, and that doesn't mean getting drunk and falling down.:cool::)
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Hi Shane/Dingo. Sounds like you really been through the ringer. Thinking of you. Look after yourself, and that doesn't mean getting drunk and falling down.:cool::)
Strewth Ding, what can I say.... probly not happy birthday I guess. :cool:
I hope it all turns out for the best in the end.
PS. Chuck the gun it the creek Ding, the kids might need ya to hang around for a bit longer.
Dude, did you do run over a nun or something, sounds like someone upstairs just got off with ya for a time. sometime this ???? happens to you. It passes, you just have to keep going.
To Quote Churchill "When you are going through hell, keep going until you make it out the other side"
Look after yourself, and go to that shed and make something, I find that always helps pick me up and keep hanging around here. This place hasnt been the same since you dissapeared. (PS. I miss those stories, can we have some more)
Hi Dingo,
Good to have you check in:D
do it from time to time hey
Hi WD,
I've been through the same thing a coupla times.
Life does get a lot better so just keep on trying and as Cliffy says turf the gun.
When you get a few things done go for a trip/holiday
Hi Ding!
Shane mate, I went through what you're having about 10 years ago. SWusedtoBO announced one day that she was leaving the next morning after 32 years because of unspecified reasons.
It's just as well I didn't have a gun - I know how lonely you feel. Fortunately the kids rallied around and life didn't seem quite so bad. Now,against my most sacred oath at the time, I'm remarried, AND I've got a bigger workshop.:2tsup:
Cheer up, go buy another set of study plans and rejoin the (nearly) human race on these forums, we've all missed you.
Hi WD been there done that a couple of years back, it does get better mate
just keep busy and learn to relax and enjoy yourself again.
Cheers Fred
Sorry to hear about all of that Shane. A bloke like you needs to be better appreciated with those talents you have. (Not typing so much the though, but woodwork). :wink:
You will work it out, what is best for you. a question of solitude and security, or excitement and not knowing what will happen next. :2tsup:
Ding ,
Good to see you are ok , was wondering where you were but didn't want to appear a DH by asking .
I just thought you were on holidays or something and every one else knew but me.
Been through the same wringer ,it does get better ,just keep busy at doing what you want to do .
Keep safe .
Gee this is a great forum, in many ways.
lots of genuine support from everywhere.
been there too Wild Dingo and your doin'
the best thing possible by ploughing ahead for the future.
keep sluggin' sport.
the block
Welcome back Ding.
Had some mates tell me when it first happened to get out the back with an axe and start chopping the stack of logs... yeah right like thats gonna happen :roll: ... then some other mates told me to get my bum into the shed and MAKE STUFF... yeah right like that was gonna happen... I mean there are some SERIOUS sharp stuff in there whirrling blades and bits goin a thou to the second and heres me with my mind in absolute distress confusion and no where near my body playin around???... NOPE NO WAY NO CHANCE!!... so Ive stayed clear away from all sharp whirrling objects of distruction its bad enough tryin to drive!! gotta keep friggin stoppin!! damned sprinklers keep goin off above me head somewhere cant find the buggars in the car though :roll:
Anyway painting seemed safest :2tsup: till I hit the deck that was... got a whopper bruise on the scone I can tell you... man Jarrah floorboards are hard when you land on em from a few feet out like a light major headache in the morning but well I musta slept eh!! :;
Im getting through slowly and today was a beaut time just talkin an watchin the two blokes fixin me machines... took em 3 hours but brother once done man they work SOOOOOO SWEET!!!... HARRY!!! EVEN THE THICKNESSER WORKS!!! WHAHOOOOO!!! :2tsup: still not game enough to really have a whirl yet but it was a good start
I dont accept all the blame yet cant help feelin "IF ONLY"
Re the gun... well Tiff rang me as I was getting ready I couldnt talk to her and just told her to remember no matter what I love her and hung up... she made it from Bunbury to Brunswick in 8 minutes flat!!! :o and walked in on it... poor kid scared the shyte out of her... we talked cried talked some more cried a lot more... saved my ???? that girl did... I have no intention of going anywhere near that mindset again... came close to just walking away a few days later packed a few things in the effy and was closing the door to just drive wherever the road took me and never come back... mind thinking it would be best as Im the only bastard bringing everyone down seemed to me everyone else was doin okay with what had happened... got as far as to get into the car and start it up... Tiff lobbed up again to visit :C ... talked cried talked cried all friggin day she wouldnt leave until I was asleep and had given a promise not to do ANYTHING without talking to her first.
Poor kid... 2 months after her wedding ours falls apart... then dad starts falling down into the abyss while mum is happily doing "her thing" still shes a bonzer kid couldnt ask for better in a daughter :2tsup:
Bloody timing sucks to high hell... Tiffs wedding then in Feb before my birthday she tells us shes expecting her second while Yaz is now 5 weeks from dropping our second granddy and Lissa told us shes due in about 6 months Aarons girlfriend Cassie is due in 7 months... hell this should be the time of our lives!!! Add to that the $ she was given for the family by her parents and the payout from my knee we presently WOULD have more $$ than we have ever had in our married lives enough to pay this place out AND buy an investment OUTRIGHT... shyte it phisses me off the way this has all happened just when things should be the best theyve ever been... still... its happened and thats that now all I can do is sit back and wait to see what she decides... and what I decide which will quite possibly be different... but we will see.
The kids are good value... Yaz and Dan have been a rock Dans parents went through a similar thing not too long ago and hes able to sorta stand back and let me bounce things off him and to simply get me to see a different perspective than my heads... Lissa and her bloke are just setting themselves up and are without wheels so are out of it a fair bit while Aaron has himself good relationship and a baby on the way already and has moved in with her so NOTHING else matters but the happy happies... Bethy is lost with it all came as a total shock to her just cant understand what happened initially thought Id done something to mum to cause it but when she found out that Id done nothing to warrent this she was just dumbstruck confused and now tries to be herself when either one of us is around but you can see her confusion... Jac turns 16 tomorrow and doesnt want a damned thing to do with me it IS my fault in her book end of story mum can do no wrong... makes it hard when shes here for a week... Brie and Josh are OVER IT totally... initially her place was REAL cool but the novelty has worn off and now they pester her to bring them "home" and ring me daily when theyre over there... poor buggars dont understand cant work it out and are totally confused.
Even young Lukas has been affected... Jo was baby sitting the little bloke (2) 3 days a week before this happened and Tiff decided he could come to me on the Monday and Jo on the Friday Bens parents could have him for the other day she works... he came here right as rain until he saw "marmaw" wasnt here then I had an hours waterworks and he got over it :2tsup: Tiff reckoned when she took him to Jos place the first time he jacked up refused to get out of his car seat demanded "poppy" and generally gave them hell :U
But theyre all affected some worse than others but theyve all be affected... but still she reckons they havent at all... still maintains everyone she and we know whos separated is happy EVEN when they themselves TELL her theyre not!! she reckons theyre just saying that... well I guess were happy then :doh:
Anyway... she'll be right... sooner or later whatever happens she'll be right... gotta get through the next few months is all.
I think it would be easier in some ways if there was some other person involved... be more understandable
Still we both flucked up over the years... communication mostly we simply stopped talking about things when we moved down and it snowballed... there were other factors but thats the biggy... something to remember for the future I guess :roll:
Thats all I had for quite a while when I pulled the pin on my ex as well. But I got over it. Same drama with the kid, rells etc. My parents wouldnt talk to me for 18 months, so much for them.
Time does heal, keep posting and find at least half a dozen people to bleed to and rotate them so they dont get too sick of you,
Well..... anyway, hang in there WD. Don't do anything rash. Things are looking up already if you can run a stick through the thicknesser OK.
Hang in there Ding.