The 400mm above and 150mm to the side is what we had to fit, as per pic.
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The 400mm above and 150mm to the side is what we had to fit, as per pic.
Check with your sparky as he should hopefully have some understanding of your local regs. Here in NSW our sparky installed a GPO 150mm away from the highest water level in our vanity sink. We are talking horizontally not vertically. I wouldn't like to live with a bathroom that could get water up to 900 mm outside the vanity!!
Just to be clear, so long as the outlet is more than 150mm either side of the vanity bowl, all is sweet. If it can't be more than 150mm it has to be above 400mm high?
Even if you install the GPO outside of zone 2, I would still make sure that it is RCD protected. As for using extension leads in wet areas...bad idea.
Wow! Our GPO is super compliant.
I have just renovated a bathroom and was unable to place a power point anywhere near the basin and mirror because the basin sits between the bath and the shower and would not comply to AS3000 according to my electrician. I argued after looking at the rules, but he won.
Fortunately we had decided to install a vanity cupboard with mirror doors and lights elsewhere in the room and an existing powerpoint was compliant.
This seems overkill relative to the risk in my view and is also ignored often - I looked at many bathrooms before re-doing mine and almost all had non-complaint GPOs.
With a compulsory RCD installed where is the real likelihood of danger?
Thanks for clarifying guys. Now I understand where I can position the GPO. All my circuits are off RCD's, too.
Does the same standard apply to laundries as well? I'm shifting our laundry into a 'cupboard' off the garage (actually turning the appliances at right angles and moving the wall to the other side of them) The washing machine will be in the corner with the dryer above and a 30L basin in a small bench beside the washing machine. No worries with the dryer - the GPO will be near the ceiling beside the dryer and I can't go 150 either side but can probably get 400 above the washing machine - now is that the lid or the water level inside?