Originally Posted by
Master Splinter
Similarly to water divining, I've found that when I drop a nut or bolt under my car when I'm working on it, the nut always rolls to the most inaccessible place under the car.*
So again, I encourage any good water diviners to take on the JREF US$1,000,000 challenge - sure, it might be a few weeks solid work to get it all up and running (spread over several months) but there's that million dollars waiting. That'd be about $1.3 million in Australian pesos. Surely that's worth a few months of fiddling around!
If you are worried that artificial test conditions might put you off, you are able to propose your own set of test criteria (remember, they must be testing for something that can be agreed on ahead of time as a clear demonstration). You are quite able to do an open test (where the location of the water is known to all) to confirm that the test conditions will actually cause a positive indication for you.
*Except for those times when it didn't, and I forgot about them, or when it was just hard to reach but not actually most inaccessible but I counted it anyway as my back hurt bending over to pick it up, or I felt that 'rolled all the way over on the other side of the car' counted because of how far I had to walk, or it was actually just behind me but I didn't see it there for ages so that counted as inaccessible too, or it landed in an oil drip making it all yukky and I didn't want to touch it, so that's inaccessible, just in a different way...